64. My Mister!

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How it would feel being pampered by someone in the earliest morning! with lot of kisses on forehead while caressing cheek?

Isn't it just a dream of your waking up with the man you love next to you, circling around his embrace while he keep kissing your forehead to eyes to nose?

"hmm!" you groaned a little and your eyes fluttered open "You're awake?" he smiled showing his bunny teeth and help you to sat on the bed, placing pillow behind you and bring you cup of warm water.

"Here." you drink a mouthful water feed by him and moisture your throat "Are you tired? you want to rest today?"

he put cup aside "I came abroad with you to sleep here?" you rolled your eyes making his smile grow up "But do you have strength now?" he couldn't control himself but wanted to bully his woman Infront.

This Bastard, you want to hit him so hard that his sense come back "I'm hungry!"

"Then let's fresh up first." he get up and pick you up "What are you doing? I can do by myself." he lifted you horizontally and straight went to the bathroom, you glare at him.

He raised his right brow "You still have strength to glare at me? do you think I didn't work hard enough last night?"

You really wanted to rolled your eyes again and again, he's so full himself, after he put you down you brush your teeth and wash your face yourself, he prepared breakfast that came from hotel's kitchen.

You sat opposite of him and eat quietly while he keep staring at you, your eyes met with his but then you eat lowering your head, he's so obvious with his gazes, you would change your surname if you take another look at him.

So, you lowered your head for the sake of your heart and eat quietly, after finished eating you look up "when are you taking me to see that woman?"

his smile froze and raised his brow "So, anxious? Do you have strength now?" you sneered "Why not? i have strength to see that person and speak, what else you need?"

He was the one who brought you to see that woman and you clearly agreed and believe in him, it could also be said that you didn't particularly suspect him, you're just a jealous and felt that if he couldn't handle his matter well and give you sense of security then don't even came looking after you and waste your time.

If he didn't mention it then you will, you can't stay forever like this, you have to carry on with flow and fate to be with him "You can rest today, I will bring you tomorrow to see her."


You nodded "Okay then, after that we'll go back to country." you suddenly ran without telling Rowoon, he must be worrying about you and the Jennie didn't seems in a good mood, even after she joke around you felt that she was becoming sad during these days.

"You're in such a hurry to return?" he frowned "It was not easy to come here with you often." your brows knitted "What else? you want to go around?"

"Isn't it good?" he stared at you with his deep gaze and then smile mysteriously "That's good, let's go back earlier."

Why do you suddenly feel like he had change his attitude? you suddenly thought what he had told you about himself being rightful man for you and the father of your child?


You cursed underneath, you had actually forgotten about these matter, urging him to return the country like you couldn't wait for him to be your man? so, there was nothing to say now, Jungkook wanting to met Rowoon make you still nervous in your heart, no matter how you look you're not prepare at all.

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