Chapter 209

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A few hours later, Koi was still sitting there, far away. The only thing that was different from before was that he went to the clinic, had an interview with the doctor, and came back. But still he couldn't believe what he heard.

Are you really pregnant?

Only then did he realize the reason for the abdominal pain he occasionally felt. The doctor said that her excessive activity was the irritant and advised Koi to rest for the time being. Also, it is said that a heat cycle often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, and in some cases, the heat cycle continues until delivery. She was even told that it was because of hormonal imbalance and an inability to control pheromones, but it still didn't feel real.

There really is a child here?

I secretly patted my stomach, but it was still flat. As she sat there, dumbfounded, there was a knock on the door and a moment later the door opened. As expected, it was Ashley who came in.

"how is it? "Are you feeling better?"

Instead of answering, Koi looked up at him. Earlier, he thought he was confused and couldn't judge properly, but that wasn't the case. His tone was still cold, and there was no warmth at all.

I don't think this is the Ash I know.

Now that I think about it, the apology I made earlier was too vague. If it were Ashley, whom Koi had known and loved for a long time, she would have apologized several times more sincerely, and her tone of voice would not have been as harsh as it is now. No, she would have come to the hospital when I thought she might have gotten me pregnant in the first place. Isn't it a very cold and calculated action to just leave it alone and watch the situation unfold?

I thought it was impossible to hear from Ashley why she did that. He didn't lie to Koi, but he didn't tell her everything either. So who would tell him the truth in this situation?

Koi was dumbfounded by the face that suddenly passed before his eyes. But despite her unwillingness, reason was speaking to him. She's the one she needs right now.

Whoa, Koi took a deep breath and finally opened his mouth.

"... ... "There is someone I want to meet, can you call me?"

Ashley frowned when she heard the name, but soon listened to him. And it was about an hour later that Bernice came to the hospital room.


At the sound of a knock that sounded sharp and sharp, Koi got very nervous and turned his head. She waited for a moment, then opened the door to her hospital room and came inside.

"Ash went to the office because something came up."

Koi spoke first as his gaze seemed to be looking inside. This was really good timing. If that hadn't happened she would have had to rack her brains to get Ashley out.

"What business do you have for me?"

Bernice asked in her usual business-like manner. Koi swallowed his dry saliva and opened his mouth.

"I want to know specifically what Ash's brain disorder is."

After Bernice left, Coy was left alone, staring blankly into space. He couldn't believe what he heard. But there was no way she would lie, and if she wasn't going to trust her words, she wouldn't have called Bernice in the first place. Aside from the fact that she treated herself very coldly, she has never made a mistake or lied when it came to her own affairs.

So, he must have most accurately grasped the current situation.

Although it was understandable rationally, it was not easy to accept it emotionally.

[BL] Lick Me Up If You Can (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें