Help from on High

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As I fell to my knees It felt as If my spirit was leaving my body. I watched as the girls rushed to my body, I watched as they tried to resuscitate me. To my side a cloaked figure appeared. "So what does this mean?" I asked saddened

"You are not dead if that is what you ask"

"Then please, What is the meaning this?" I asked calmly

"Well you are needed else where but not in your physical body"

"Please lead the way" The figure turn and with its finger swiped at the air in front of it and opened a portal to a great chamber, a Great chamber covered in gore and body parts. What seamed to be like seventy or more Devil figures left standing. One Crimson figure on his knees gasping for air and bleeding

"What did you think would happen"

"Did you think we would not be prepared for this eventuality"

"Did you think we would allow you to simply just walk in here and demand an explanation"

"Did you think you would walk out of here with out a scratch"

"Do you think there will be no retaliation for this act"

"Or did you think we did not know of your 'Iron Maidan' protocol"

"Either way you and yours will burn for what was done to this great place that we Devils and Demon kind built" The mob said

"Heh I did not hear a bell" Sirzechs said to the mob

"YOU DARE" One of them said and all prepared magical circles. All types of magical Incantations flew at Sirzechs. Moments before they landed time had stopped

"What is happening?" I asked and the figure that was standing next to me disappeared. "Oh that's just great, Right when I need you to answer you're gone. Typical"

"He gave you a hint" A warm and comforting voice said

"He gave me a hint what could have that be-" a flashback of when we first met hit me. 'You are needed else where'. "I see" I ran through the portal and stood beside Sirzechs and laid my hand on his shoulder. I felt as my energy, my magical and non-magical power left me. Just before I removed my hand from his shoulder the voice returned and said, "My child please, he requires a bit more" So I gritted my teeth and and felt as if I was disappearing, as if I couldn't feel my legs or arms, and again the voice came. "My Generous child you gave more than what was asked and for that you will be blessed. Now release his shoulder and close your eyes my child I will send for someone to collect you and return you to your body. You have done a great job my child now rest"

I could say nothing due to the near fatal exhaustion I felt but the comforting warmth never left me. The voice came again and said "but for you my rebellious yet believing child allow your ultimate father act through you, this will sting but is necessary for your growth". With that I went unconscious

POV change

The exhaustion that ran through my body was extreme, My eyes lids were fighting me, my legs and lungs burning, my arms heavier than any chain in hell. a thought came to mind 'why did you leave us Father, Why were sons and daughters punished for crimes of their parents, Why father, Why have you abandoned us?'  After a second I felt my bodies exhaustion evaporate and all wounds heal, My magical energy regenerate and my mental exhaustion disappear. A minor pain appeared deep in my soul but that was not something to focus on.

"What just happened"

"How did you do that"

"What did he do"

"You must be a masochist"

"He must have an instrument of recuperation"

"He knows to much" Said the Mob of Devils however most were stunned to see a near death man miraculously be healed and recuperated.

"Heh looks like I got someone on high". 'thank you Lord' the minor pain grew a little but faded back. "I need to end this quickly"

"Why didn't you say you were going to have fun" said a short girl in a magical girl outfit

"Finally I get to have some action, and to think it would be against yall, even better" said a tall bald man

"The plan was to wait for the boy to become stronger, before we tried this" said an average height man 

"That was the plan but my hand was forced after your double was attacked" I said to Beelzebub

"So do we end them or pacify them?" asked asmodeus the tall bald man

"Come now why spoil the fun and lets end'em" said the magical girl named Serafall with a sinister smile

POV Issei

I slowly drifted awake while hearing soft snoring from multiple people. I squinted my eyes and could see three girls hugging me naked. A dark headed girls face was pressed against my crotch, a red head and blond girl were to my sides. I laid there enjoying the sight. I heard the door open and could see Asia walk in rubbing here eyes open

"Good morning Asia" I said 

"Good morning" She replied, then stopped and jumped on me screaming "ISSEI-SAN YOU'RE OKAY" this woke the other girls 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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