Confrontation Part 2

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"I Am And Shall Be Known As The Crimson God" Issei yelled as the Crimson light dissipated after ten seconds. Only to reveal a heavily armored being with a pair of deep crimson wings which flared out followed by a second pair growing from the middle of his torso. The tail he had used NATURAL SELECTION to obtain glowed as the skin began to harden and glow crimson. "Ohh this feels great" a gem in the center of Issei's chest said

"To think this amount of power is nothing more than a single scale off of your original body, heh we need to train more Ddraig" said Issei lifting his hand and staring at his palm, after opening and closing his fist he let his arm drop


Before I started to move I heard an explosion beneath me. Looking down I found a crater 25 feet deep, and 500 feet wide. "Fuck" I whispered causing a shock wave to hit Sirzechs, which caused him to be pushed back 15 feet. Seeing this I quickly lifted my hands to cover my mouth. Only for that movement to send air blades at Sirzechs, which were absorbed by his armor of destruction. 'looks like I need to train even harder'. The silence that proceeded the unintended attacks could be cut with a butter knife.

Seeing what just transpired I added even more magical power to the barrier to increase its strength and it by proxy its durability. "Just how much more can this boy increase his power" Grayfia said only heard by Rias and her team. "I need all of you to pour all of your magical power into the barrier, I don't think it will withstand a single blow from either of them" 

"Roger" responded everyone in the barrier. 

"Just how long will you float there boy come and let me test your mettle" Sirzechs said getting into a defensive posture. 'I hope you'll give me a good time'

"You got it..." I said flapping my two pairs of wings appearing an arms length away and sending a single right jab just underneath with earlobe trying to K.O. him "Boss." My fist collided with his jaw forcing him back seven feet. "Good enough for you old man" I said prepping for the counterattack.

"You've got spirit I'll give you that, however that is the only thing I'll let you have." Sirzechs said creating a magical circle underneath him. "Looks like I need to teach you a couple of lessons of combat. First Foot work" He said casting the magical circle. A second later stone spears shot up from Issei's feet. Dodging the first spear Issei jumped back only to find a second spear where he was planning on landing. "Second always keep an eye on your enemy" he said appearing on Issei's right. With his right arm already lifted Issei saw some of the black and crimson liquid pooling, a millisecond later the goo shot out. 

As I saw the goo shoot out I flapped my wings to gain height and I launched my tail aiming for his exposed face. "Third never telegraph your next move to the enemy." Sirzechs said shifting his head and moving his right arm towards me. I manage to dodge it by the slimmest of chances. "I Think its time we end this little charades don't you Sirzechs?" I said noticing he was getting paler by the second he had that armor on. "Lets" He replied. I Flapped my wings to gain elevation, while Sirzechs just stands there...... Menacingly (Hehe sorry not sorry). "Fine if you wont make the first move I will" I said Spreading my first pair of wings while the second pair dissolve back into my body, Two cannon barrels form on my shoulders. "I pray to thee, O VOID, I seek to end all in my path, for I do this for your pleasure alone, ANTI-MATTER CANNONS Fire" As I finish my preparations a green beam is fired from my cannons. 

"O Destroyer of all I Seek to Understand the meaning of Void, I know in doing so I will become nothing with the VOID, REALITY DESTROYER" As Sirzechs finishes his incantation a black and Crimson beam shoots from his chest meeting mine and it begins to push it back slowly at first then gaining momentum and after thirty seconds of both beams attacking each other and some rogue beams attack near the bubble shield however thanks to the occupants pouring every ounce of magic into said barrier. "Pour everything you might have into the barrier, If we fail there will be no next time" Grayfia said with a tinge of fear in her voice.

'Death, looks like I'll borrow some of the power you left me' as I thought this Sirzechs beam stopped and began to be pushed back. 'AAAhhhh, WHAT THE FUCK. WHY DOES IF FEEL LIKE I'M MELTING AWAY' I thought only to look at my hand and find everything beyond half of my forearms was gone. Looking further down mid thigh and down were missing. 'come on Issei think for once in your miserable life...... AHA!' "MATTER CREATION" Thanks to this skill I was able to "heal" my missing body parts. My beam was finally an arms length away when my eye sight turned burry, I was now seeing multiple Sirzechs 'does he have a cloning ability or am I just hallucinating. My eye lids felt stupidly heavy could this be an after effect from one of his attacks earlier but I could have sworn his last attacks never touched me. Why does my head.....' I thought 

'Why is he holding back know of all times, He clearly has the overwhelming advantage. So why Hyoudou Issei, Why do you retreat' Sirzechs said just before Issei's beam disappeared and a hairs width away from completely erasing him from existence. Deactivating everything at once caused a major whiplash which made me fall to a knee. "heh You are the only one to bring me this far and you're still a kid a lot of time for you to grow" Sirzechs said. "Sirzechs-sama" I frantic voice coming from far beyond his line of sight came. "Over here" I responded, I saw Grayfia and Rias' team at the top of the crater where Issei's attack pushed me fifty feet down. "Sirzechs-sama" Grayfia said sending an almost transparent platform so I could get on top and float to them. Once at the top I looked towards Issei, "I will hold you to a standard far above those of the Satan class devils, I hope you can change the future of the underworld young man, For Lucifer Bellow knows he need some help" Sirzechs said to no one in particular. "Grayfia I believe I have found what I was looking for, let us return to my room for a couple of days off as I recover all of my mana"

"Yes Sirzechs-sama, If I may Lucifer-sama you look pleased by the boy" Grayfia said wrapping one of Sirzechs arms around her shoulders

"I am, Lets just see if he can hold up to our standards" Sirzechs said leaning on Grayfia as both of them teleported out

"Rias it looks like he just ran out of juice that's it, I can't find any wounds on him" Kiba said patting Issei down looking for recent blood and any broken bone from the fall

"Good, all of you are dismissed don't worry about your work tonight I believe the Maou understands our predicament, so go and enjoy your night while it still young" Rias said to her team earning a bow from them as they all just teleported away. And as for you I believe you've earned some special care from your master isn't that right Issei

A/N: I hope you've enjoyed part two next one will be a Lemon chapter 

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