Training Pt.3

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Rias' POV

I was stunned 'why did my heart tremble when he kissed me, why did my stomach feel like it had butterflies in it, why did I have such emotions for a boy I just met? I mean I felt warm and fuzzy inside. Just who are you to invoc such a reaction from me. Could you be some one from my past I've forgottn.' I thought as I walked to my room. My mind was completly enthrald by him and this mistorious fog that appiers when I try and remember any past memories with him. As I entered my room and threw myself on my bed I remember he said something about 'time being a fickle thing, and this not being his first rodeo.' could he have time traveled. I mean has known out names, what we are, how many there are of us and who in Kuoh and WHO my brother was. but what could be so dangerous that you would send someone back in time to help erase, 'there are forces far more stronger the Riser at play here'... could he mean the council. they do move in the shadows and do some really shadowy stuff, but why send some one as strong as Issei to deal with some politicians... Ugh I'll sleep over it and see what I can find out after this training

Issei's POV

"You God forsaken Idiot. why in the nine levels of hell would you say that" Ddraig questioned me

"I had to come clean with her, why should I keep this a secret from the woman who has my heart?"

"There was no fucking need for that information to be released, you fucking labotomite"

"fuck you Big Mountain was a great DLC, and second who the fuck could have heard that"

"Haven't you heard Walls have EARS you Idiot"

"Oh cry me a river, I don't have to hear this from you"

"You're lucky Its almost sun rise brat"

I opened my eyes and rolled them at Ddraig's final comment. I got up and went to the closest bathroom. After Shit, Showering, and Shaving I went to my room where I found Rias in her night gown. "So what bring a beautiful rose to my front door?"

"I want to know something from the future" she said with a strait face and a determined look

"Come inside and I'll answer it if I can" I said opening the door and holding it till she passed

"Do we lose" she said

"Lose what exactly?" I asked as an enormous head ache, drowsiness, and overall lack of consciousness over came me and a void enveloped me. turning my head attempting to see anything only catching a vague figure in the darkness. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked but the figure continued to walk or float toward me not answering me, Until it was about arms distance

"why" said the figure

"Why what exactly" I answered

"why tell her what is to come?" said the figure

"Because she is the holder of my heart, the mother of our children, the future leader of the Gremory Clan and all devil kind" I answered in a more cautious manner

"this will be the last time you reveal the future with anyone out side of our plan period" the figure said turning and floating away

"Thanks for the name fella" I said waving and waking on Rias' lap looking up at her, "Hey good lookin, whatcha cookin"

"Ha you need try better" she giggled

I sat up and looked to the sky. "What I'm about to say can not be shared with anyone else that involves EVERYONE you might know, do you understand, if you think you can't keep this a secret till your dying breath. You, this peerage and I will be at the mercy of beings that could erase us with a touch of their hands. So please tell me you can keep this a secret" I said lowering my head

"what could" she said before being interrupted by me

"Yes or No" I said in a stern voice

Her eyes widened in surprise. I think this is the first time some one has raised their voice to her. "I just need you to answer and I'll tell you of a future where devils are eradicated, fallen angels are enslaved and where the blood of pure angels corrupts the river that feeds the tree of life, where buddha is driven to violence, where we leave a handsome son not yet two years old, a beautiful daughter four years old to die, where WE die. Do you wish to know?" I said now looking at my palms

"Don't you think an this place has a lot of echo" she said

"Now that you mention it, I could use some fresh air, would you like to join me?" I ask extending my are to her

"Gladly" she responded and I slashed the air in front of us creating a portal to the dimensional gap. Immediately after seeing the Rias hugged me tight and her eyes widened to twice their normal size

"Keep this between you and me okay" I smiled and winked at her and her entered

Sirzechs' POV

Immediately after calling for the iron maiden protocol multiple magical barriers appeared around the house and all doors, window and possible openings were closed, locked and or sealed. Not a damn soul would be leaving or entering this house without his explicit permission and presence to open a small hole in the barrier. Ajuka suddenly went unconscious as he teleported here it's been three hours since then

"Sir have you seen the news lately?" Grayfia asked knowing the answer 

"No, Anything important?" I asked sitting next to my bestfriend, while he laid bandaged and motionless 

"They report an attack on a passenger train, one of the Maou were assassinated, they found incriminating evidence of 'unethical' experiments and collusion with the other great factions, standard smear job sir" Grayfia said 

'lucifer please give me the strength and patience to deal with these retards' I thought. "Grayfia please send a message to the council and tell Rias she is required here tell her its time" I said standing and rushed to my desk to start the letter

Rias' POV

After Issei had told me our future I could not believe it. entire continents gone, gods killed, and pantheons erased by the hero faction, us the leaders of the underworld and our children. A magical circle appeared and Grayfias voice answered me "What do you mean I have to return home we've not completed our training" I said almost screaming and entering a portal that Issei made back to the underworld

"I understand that but your brother said It's time" Grayfia said 

"I- Oh, I see does he need all of us? Never mind dumb question we're on our way please hold the fort down" I said accepting what needs to happen

"Yes ma'am" she said confidently 

"Everyone please gather in the foyer we need to discuss what is about to happen" I said after creating my communication spell and two minutes later everyone except Issei were present. "Issei I meant everyone" I said irritated ten seconds of silence later I rushed to his room. Opening the door the shear amount of bloodlust, and fear paralyzed me, a black mass pinning him to the wall fangs showing 

"The others understand your decision but I do not, you are not ready for the amount of responsibility you are about to obtain" it said

"Oh please, and what have you done with yours sztuczna śmierć" Issei said bearing his teeth and his finger turning into draconic claws

"How dare you child-" it said before being cut off

"I dare because you are a cowardly wanna be bitch" Issei said "Looks like we have company" and the mist disappeared. "Sorry you had to see that"

"First, what in Maous name was that thing, Second why was there so much bloodlust in the air, and Third is it a threat" I said regaining my breath and nerve

"That was just a little fly, because it doesn't like what a certain plan calls for, its more of an annoyance than anything else" He said brushing that deadly thing off

"We need to leave now. Something happened to my brother" I said signaling him to hurry up

Sorry I've been busy with my new job

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