Training pt. 2

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After I laid Rias in her bed and covered her I went to the kitchen and prepared everyone a one inch thick piece of steak three potatoes worth of French fries a side of salad and two cups of milk each, by the end of diner no one wanted to get up from their seats the days exhaustion finally setting in. After I had taken everyone to their rooms I decided to extend my training just an hour. I sat under a masterfully marble crafted gazebo and commenced my meditation. I'm trying to understand not just train with my powers this time, I focused on what "ORIGINAL SIN" Truly meant, was it just a title given to Lucifer or was it power she obtained thru some other method

Ajuka's POV

'How in Lucifer's name were you created, I mean yes I saw how but the only one to know such knowledge were killed by the council, the pawns? No even mutated pawns are not strong enough to challenge their kings authority, unless..... No he couldn't have the magical capacity equal to an ultimate Devil, He DID put Sirzechs on the back foot, but that was a spare, not a fight to the death, and no one has sensed his Magical power above that of a High Class Devil, Much less Lucifer class..... So what make you so different to the rest of us, You couldn't be aligned with any other faction, the evil pieces would have told us. So why, why did this happen' I thought

"Ajuka sama Lord Lucifer wishes to speak with you, He is waiting in the guest room" A lab assistant said

"Thank you Kumagai, please assist Mori with his research on magical devices" I said nodding at her

"Understood Sir" she Bowed

'I wonder what he could want with me' I thought as I knocked on the guest room door. "Sirzechs what brings you to my neck of the woods, anything I need to be worried about?"

"Hey Ajuka, how are you, I just wanted to ask about your progress with his pieces?" asked Sirzechs

"I've been better, but I think.... We should speak about this in a more... Private area" I said seriously

"I... see, well how has you research been coming along" He asked

"Ah, well with both angel and fallen blood It has leaped ahead at least three to four centuries, but it is still risky, until we have a.... live subject we wont know what will happen.... if I were a mathematician I would say I'm around sixty to seventy percent done" I said

"Good, I wonder if Michael or Azazel have any notion of this" said Sirzechs in a sadden tone

"I wish we did not need this method, but our population is still in recovery, and beset on all sides by possible enemies, why did Lucifer-sama disappear" replied Ajuka equally as saddened

"I just wished she had left the keys to the soul forge" said Sirzechs worried

"Agreed" said Ajuka. "Well I will meet you at your 'private' domicile in lets say two hours?"

"I'll see you there" said Sirzechs smiling

Issei's POV

"Good job Kiba, you've gotten faster... but you need to enlarge you horizon" I said moving so fast she didn't realize I had moved and threw a kick at her stomach sending her flying and hitting multiple trees. "I understand your willingness to attack at lightning speed but you lose the forest for a single tree" I said smiling walking over to her extending out my hand out only for her to jump away

"Got you" was all I heard before I sensed a large amount of mana behind me, I turned and saw Akeno about to launch a ball of lighting at me. "This will hurt" she said licking her lips and launching it at me

"For you" I said smacking the ball back at her with ease. She could barely react before Kiba jumped at her saving her from a world of hurt.

"I thought you would train us, not try and kill us?" Kiba said glaring at me

"What's the point to training if you don't train like your life depends on it, and that 'attack' was not mine" I said rushing Kiba and striking, she lifted her sword just in time

"Ding Ding Ding Ding" I heard coming from the Mansion. "Its time for dinner" I heard Asia say

"Okay, Yall heard her lets get washed, eat and ready for tomorrow. Kiba you've gotten faster but you still have a tendency of tunnel vision so please work with Akeno, Speaking of which, You need to confirm your kill and to never underestimate them." I said

"I shall take your lessons to heart and prepare for the next fight" Kiba said smiling and bowing, however with her shirt ripped her pink dotted white bra was showing

"Okay handsome, I'll take any punishment you can give" Akeno said with a wink and a seductive voice.

Ajuka's POV an hour and a half later on a train going to the Gremory territory

'I hope he's ready for the bomb I'm about to drop on his door step, Hell I sure as shit wouldn't' The train suddenly lurches back as if its emergency breaks were activated. 'what in lucifer's name'

"Everyone get down and we MIGHT let you live, HAHA, so please move and make my day" said a purple haired devil, "I heard there would be a very important person here so please, come out come out where ever you are" After he said this a tentacle pierced through his chest. "but how, they gave us everything to kill you..." was all he said before exploding and nearly disintegrating the train coach.

'looks like they made their move' I thought applying a tourniquet to my missing leg and creating a magical teleportation circle sending me to Sirzechs' room

"WHAT THE FUCK" was all I heard

"The Beasts Seal" I replied

"Oh shit" said Sirzechs before I fell unconscious

Issei's POV

I was in the kitchen for a midnight drink when I had heard someone moving about just above me so I went to investigate and found Rias making her rounds. "hey there beautiful, what are you doing up so late remember tomorrow we train for real" I said

"Well with that logic I could say the same of you Issei, but I'm just a little worried about the rating game" she said looking at a book she had

"Please lets get some fresh air" I said waving towards the front door

"Sure thing lead the way" she said smiling but the look in her eyes was filled with distrust. I walked to the door opened it and waited for Rias to pass me. A little later we were under the Gazebo's roof looking  at the stars in all their glory

"So what about the match unsettles you?" I asked

"Well Riser is a superior fighter, Physically and magickly I don't think we can win this bout" she said, gloom evident in her voice

"No need to be so gloom and doom. Yes he has years on you, Yes he has more magical power than you and your team, but he does not possess an exceptional team. Most if not all of his team are there to just for his personal pleasure not for battle acumen. These last two days I've been training them, I've seen a hunger to be better, a Drive to exceed your expectations. If you ask me, will they be ready for the throw down, My answer will be no, they still need sharpening,  but I bet my life and soul they will erase his team. He will be a different beast though" I said looking at the stars

"I know they try their best but will it be enough to end this charade?" she said looking at the ground, blinking away her tears

"Don't worry when you need me I'll be there, If you'll allow me to join that is?" I said turning to her, and patting her back

"I thank you for your help, but I don't know you, I mean I've pulled your record but beyond that who are you?" she said 

"Lets just say this isn't my first rodeo, but what I can say is" I pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, "Time is a fickle thing to play with and, there are forces far more powerful than Riser at play here, and I don't want to lose again. Goodnight Saint of Destruction" I said kissing her forehead and walked to my room and slept

sorry it took me so long 

Love you long time bye

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