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I woke up in my room feeling it to be just as big when rias was living with me, i tried to jump off of my bed only to be met with hard wood flooring and toys thrown about, 'right, Irina still hasn't left.. wait how long do I have before she's gone' I ran to the calendar we had at the front of my room to the left of the door, it was September 9th, I still have 3 weeks and 3 days, heh plenty of things to do before she leaves, looking at the clock it was 6 am, I would go to daycare in less than an hour. I ran as fast as my tiny little legs would take me to my almost impossibly tall drawer 'heh no challenge to big right Issei, lets go!' the first and second drawers, socks and underwear easy, next white shorts, I had to climb a little to reach inside, finally a sky blue Polo, I looked around at what I had to my finger tips, I had a lot of books that could take me half way if I use them like stairs and a chair my mom sits in to read me bed time stories, so I pull with everything I got and pull it to the right of the drawer and stack my books, making a pretty stable stair to the forth one, putting it on and climbing down putting everything back to what it used to look like, I was ready and ran out my door to my parents room screaming at them to get up and get ready. both just staring in disbelief that I was in cloths and fifteen minutes up before them

"hey kiddo you ready for breakfast?" asked my dad getting up my mom happy she didn't have to wrestle with an 8 year old boy and could stay in bed thirty minutes longer

"Yes daddy, i want my eggs scrambled please!"

"Oh is someone happy they get to see their bestfriend today?" he asked while we made our way down to the kitchen, i ran to my spot on the table and climbed the chair making it all by my self

that's when I was hit with, in large red letters 

NOTICE: you have unlocked the skill ORIGINAL SIN, can be activated when selected, and cost no mana or life force when activated 

'This young and can already manipulate people, Lucifer what skill did you give me?' 

"everything okay champ? anything wrong? Daddy will help fix it"

"No daddy, i was just wondering if magic was real and what things i could do with it"

"Oh and what would you do if it was real huh champ?"

"well i could fly with the planes and i could go see grandma when ever i wanted" 

"AWW my babies so cute, I love how considerate you are" said mom coming from behind me, i already knew where she was in the house thanks to original sin, "but we gotta go or well be late for daycare"

"okay mommy lets goo" I said to her running to the door


I ran ahead of my parents to Irina's house and nocked on the door, it felt like hours before someone opened the doors

"Irina-chan how are you?" I said as i leaped at her hugging her

"I'm better now Issei-kun, you wanna go out to the park today and play?" she asked, almost a demand instead of a question

"mom can we gooooo? Pretty please with a cheery on top!!!" I asked mom hoping she would say yes, and not using my skill

"if its okay with Irina's parents well go" mom stated

we ran as fast as possible to the kitchen and asked almost yelling over each others voice, safe to say they caved but we had to stay within eye sight of my mom and dad, we ran to the door and as soon as the door was opened we ran out the car waiting for my parents

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