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As we returned from the underworld and had explained what happened to the mountain and surrounding forest, surprisingly enough the guards were pretty nonchalant about everything. Well as we got back to the human world Akeno said she had to do some late night chores and ran off. Finally me and Rias alone, its been a minute, "How did you get so damn strong in the first place and how did you manage to keep it under wraps for so long, not to mention you living under my nose all the while training and getting stronger..... How?" she asked me

"Well some of those question fall under my secret, but I've trained with Ddraig and I think I'm pretty close to scratching his scales with a single normal punch. As to hiding well he and Queen Yakasa trained me how to conceal or out right remove my presence that's how" I answered her

"I see, If Queen Yakasa trained you" she then walked over to me and sat on my lap and wrapping both arms around my neck. "But what makes this secret so big in the first place, that you cant answer your master when she asks you something pertaining to it?" she asked while moving her hips

"Well this secret is about future events that need to happen, and future events that can't" I said while grabbing her waist, standing up lifting her as she wraps her legs around my waist, and we finally sit down. "But I think I can make some deviations to the plan, when it pertains to the chicken." I said pulling her waist up against mine , bringing my lips to hers and enjoying how her tongue danced with mine, taking off her blazer then her button up shirt came off I got a handful of her almost memory foam like breasts. I took off her bra and finally had a look at and taste the woman I love. she unzipped my pants, I almost ripped them off how fast I pulled them off, rejoining out bodies and falling on the couch grinding away our clothes. "Am I interrupting anything?" A tall lady with grey hair said

"Grayfia what are you doing here" Rias said to grey haired woman, standing up and rushing to put on her button up shirt

"Your purity spell activated sending me a signal of what you were doing, cant you wait to do this after you marry Riser, like any good devil would do in your saturation" Grayfia said

"It's my body I should be the one to dictate what happens to it" Rias said to Grayfia in a confrontational manner

"Your right but a blood debt was formed between our two houses and sadly there really is no way you nor your father can break this" she said with a slight dimming to her eyes

"Hello lady Grayfia, I am Issei Hyoudou, Nice to meet you, forgive me for the manner of our introduction" I said to her as she turned to me and nodded her head. "Oh forgive me, I am Lady Rias' pawn." she looked at and her eyes widened and looked at Rias for conformation

"Yes, this is him" Rias replied to her stare

"I see, I'm going to inform Sirzechs-sama about this incident" she said forming a magical circle beneath her and disappearing

"Well I don't think that went all bad" I said to Rias

"It went better than I thought but you're going to have to leave while I wait for Onii-sama to come" she said putting on her clothes

"Okay but if you need anything here's my phone number" I said writing it on a piece of paper and handing it to her, She nodded and took it. I left the the old school building and looked at my phone receiving a text from Rias, *that was pretty fun, lets do it again* I chucked to myself and saw it was five in the afternoon, I went home for the day and decided to train in my mind space with Ddraig.


Finally a Saturday, time for some relaxation. I walked out of my house and went in the direction of the park to see someone very important to me. "Oww why can't I walk without falling" and there she is. "Hey, are you okay, I'm Hyoudou Issei" I said to her while helping her up.

"Thank you, I'm Asia Argento" she said looking up at me

"Nice to meet you, where are you going dressed as a nun?" I asked her in an innocent tone

"Oh I'm going to the church here in town, But I don't know the way to it" she said a little embarrassed

"that's fine I know the way, I can take you to it if you would like?" I asked her 

"That would be great, thank you so much!!!" she said excitedly. suddenly we heard a kid fall not far from us. Asia ran up to the kid and used her sacred gear on him to heal his wounds

"Wow, I can see why you would want to help anyone out" I said seeing this again. She looked at the ground a bit ashamed at what I said. "No need to be sad about how people will see you, I've always thought that If you can help some one out, you should do that. It's a bit of a model I try to live by"

"You're right, but it will be some time before I can truly look the other way when someone thinks I'm weird" she said with a small smile

It took me around an hour to get her to the place. still just like I remember it, run down, forgotten to time, almost abandoned. I wish I could just steal her away right now but, 'THE PLAN CAN NOT DEVIATE BY VERY MUCH', ugh this damn plan is going to put my dear friend and future wife in jeopardy, 'Why can't I just through this plan to the winds and make my own one and just train and possibly remove future threats now?' I thought. 'I can help you with that but a contract must be sighed first' I heard a hollow and fading voice said in my mind. Startled I thought I must be really tired and the damn must be making me crazy, I'll have to check out what that voice or what ever it was.

"This is my stop, thank you again for helping me out, you can come in if you want" she asked wanting to spend time with me

"It's fine thank you for being with me on this walk, It's much better to be with someone than alone" I said and she just nodded. "I'll see you later" 

"Goodbye, I'll see you later" she yelled at my while I walked away

Making my way back home, I walked past my Mom and Dad laying on the couch watching a RomCom on the TV. Finally making it to my room I laid in my bed and went into my Mind Space with Ddraig, but he was in the corner balled up and mummering to himself what sounded like "I didn't see anything, You can't prove it, It wasn't here, I know nothing of what's happening, Leave me alone, Please just leave me alone." I Immediately went into my Balance Breaker Form, Welsh Blaster Bishop and charged up my two cannons just in case someone I didn't like was close by

"Hello Young Devil, Human, Angel, Yokai, Wolfskin, Will Manipulator, how ever you wish to call yourself" a black cloaked figure appeared in-between me and Ddraig

"With what can I help Death with" I asked in a very smug/funny tone

"First you can break the fucking seal those fuckers put on my original form" Death said as its cloak got visibly darker almost removing any sense of depth to the cloak

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