A Devil And Death Meet

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As I left the mind scape of Issei I made my way to the cell where most of my powers were sealed in order for creation to manifest. 'how long has it been since we last met' the being clothed in a black cloak thought.

'far too long, has the boy accepted my offer?' a voice was heard from the cell but it appeared to be completely empty

'we know that he did, but what troubles me is when he realizes what the deal means' the cloaked figure thought

'the deal has been struck, and none can stop the fast approaching future, including us' a tinge of sadness could be felt coming from the cell and the cloaked figure

'let us hope that this boy is strong enough' the cloaked figure thought

"It's been a while death, how have you been" said a Buxom lady with two pairs of wings. "Please don't tell me you've grown tired of being out here and would like to reunite with your true body... Because I can help in that process"

"Ha, you couldn't even blow away the dirt underneath Yahweh, much less come close to touching my cloak Young devil, go back to playing checkers" the cloaked figure said

"You fucking waist of space, I should tell the others about your deal with....." Was all the Girl could say before a human skeletal hand shot out from the cloaked figure wrapping around her neck. Her eyes widened as she felt her power fade little by little

"You know nothing of the disaster to come, yet you play with the future as if it is clay in your hands, all of creation is at stake yet you all play ignoring the responsibility of true gods, what I have done you ignorant, air headed, bimbo is try and secure the future for our creations, or have you forgotten your charges, have you forgotten the children you created, because I remember all of them, every tear they cried before passing, every scream for help that never came, the young girl who's parents left her to fend for her self, the boy who was left on the street with broken ribs, broken windpipe, knee caps blown away by a shotgun, while the his girlfriend was violated and finally stabbed by the perpetrators in front of him before they passed, let us not forget the young devils who look for food and die of starvation because of a civil war that could have been prevented with a single word from you, a whisper could have saved billions of devils, but you abandoned your children, you a true God is no better than addict parents, all they are to you are pawns, they have no soul, their emotions are artificial. If I cared not for them, if I did not take them in, their souls would be lost to us for eternity, their being, their personalities, *heh* their wit, would be lost. So young devil are you WORTH the sacrifices they make daily just to survive or would you like me to rejoin you with mortality?" The cloaked figure said almost spitting the words at her

"I-it was the agreement we made when we became true Gods. Or have you forgotten the pact we made eons ago. All of us had to cut ties to those we loved, in order to obtain true power. That was the deal we made with you or have You forgotten" she said after the cloaked figure loosened it's grip to hear her response, however after hearing this the cloaked figure tightened it's grip and swiftly punched her in the gut

"The deal was and still is 'in exchange for power you would leave this world and protect it from the outside' and all you have done is leave it and let it crumble from within, all the while you have only watched, knowing that you could have saved those who could do nothing. But, And this will be the only thing I will agree with, you all gave a mere boy the power to protect and guide the lost masses, I only hope that all of your inactions up to now, can still save this dying universe." The cloaked figure said to the now kneeling girl. "Thanks to your inactions I have had to step in and connect his soul to my main being, I can only wonder if I made it in time to revert your failures."

"You.... But that would kill anyone not yet a God let alone a Minor God, why did you not tell the counsel about this, this clearly involves the world and ALL of its inhabitants. Why leave us in the dark about such matters" the young devil said

"That child at the moment of dying in the past world Obtained the right to be called a God, If it were not for the treachery of the humans and the betrayal of Raphael, He would be the GREATEST TRUE GOD, SECOND TO ONLY ME. That boy would have become the sole protector of this UNIVERSE. That boy..... is only ONE OF THREE things in creation I've truly made" the cloaked figure let go of the girl facing the cell once more. "And thanks to your actions my creations" it said extending a Human arm into the cell almost caressing the void. "Will burn because all of you failed to defend and uphold your side of the bargain" it said turning back to the girl who was now shaking from the shear aura of terror the figure was emanating. "Tell me young God" it said kneeling to her eye sight while it locked eyes with its empty sockets. "Did. I. Make. A. Mistake."

The young Devil could only stare back in complete terror. Her ultimate enemy was staring her down ready to pounce and rip her limb from limb and she would still be paralyzed with fear. the cloaked figure seemed to look not at her but to peer behind her external being directly at her soul, almost as tho searching for something. "N-No, Y-You did not make a M-Mistake. I-I promise this with my own Life in exchange" she could barely stammer out while vigorously nodding her head

the cloaked figure stood up and faced the cell again. "Good, I hope I am not the only one who wishes to see the universe I've created blossom. I do hope you'll forgive me, I can be quite jealous. Ah one more thing, You'll say nothing of this to the others, and I Might let you have fun with him, all within reason obviously" the cloaked figure said turning to the young devil

"Wait if he is yours, then why does he need a connection to your main being?" the young devil said to both the cloaked figure and the being in the cell. "Would he not have one at the creation of his soul"

"All things are connected to me, all things die. However not all things are connected to my main being, This thing is" it said lifting both arms. " And now the boy. His soul was far to weak to be in the presence of my main being, however thanks to this proxy he has always and forever will be next to me. He may not know it, hell I doubt even Hades a minor God has felt my presence always behind this boy." the cloaked figure said facing the cell again. "I hope this conversation stays here away from any prying ears"

"On the contrary I kind of want to help you out a little, I mean He will be mine at the end of this" the girl said with a very sweaty and smug look

"Hah over my dead and cold body" responded the figure. Immediately followed by laughs that could destroy entire galactic clusters

Sorry for short chap. today, hope you enjoyed

P.S. I've made 3 changes

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