|camera shutter|

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Jack's POV

Omg I can't believe I just punched Jc. Ricky says something but I don't hear him. I see the blood on my hands and start freaking out, I hate blood. Jenn runs out to the backyard I chase after her. I see her fall to the ground, I forgot Jenn gets sensitive around blood. I pick her up and take her inside. Jc is cleaning his lip.

"sorry Jc I don't know what got into me, I didn't think I would ever be protective type"
"it's fine if I were you I would probably do the same"
"no hard feelings?" he nods
"I'm gonna take Jenn upstairs to the guest room"

• • •

Jenn's POV

I didn't faint for long for like a minute or two, it wasn't that much blood so I was fine. Jack was holding me, I was in an uncomfortable position but I didn't want him to put me down. When I woke up I heard him say.
"-I didn't think I would ever be the protective type" I'm shocked, I thought he was just jealous. But does he wants me to be his, forever...does he love me? Why else would he make Jc's lips bleed. He takes me upstairs to the guest room and lays me down. Before I think I blurt out

"do you love me?"
"oh I didn't know you were awake" he chuckles. He tries to walk out of the room.

"answer my question" he sighs.

"Jenn I've loved you ever since I met you. I don't know if you heard this I'm pretty sure you did but if you didn't...I never thought I would ever be protective over a girl, let alone be in love. But when I met you I thought there was a chance but I didn't think you felt the same way. I know you did I doubt you still do but just know I'll always love you, as a friend or more" my heart warms up. He tried to walk out again.

"Jack?" he turns around "I still love you, as a friend or more. And I want it to be more" he smiles and walks to the bed and sits down.
"do you want to try again?"

"I don't know I don't want to be hurt again" he kisses me on the cheek and says

"trust me it won't happen again" he gets in the bed and wraps his arms around me and we drift off into sleep.

• • •

Jack's POV

I wake up with the most beautiful girl wrapped up in my arms. I'm in a pretty uncomfortable position so I move a bit and she wakes up.

"good morning" she flips over and nuzzles in my chest.
"good morning beautiful" I kiss her forehead.

"do you wanna go downstairs and eat?" she nods her head in my chest.

"you know to go downstairs you have to get up" she giggles. We both get up, she flops down back on the bed.

"Jeeeeennnn c'mon" she groans. I sigh and pick her up bridal style.
"NO WE'RE GOING DOWNSTAIRS!!" she groans again.

We get downstairs and I put her on the counter. I look into her eyes and kiss her. She smiles at me with her eyes closed.

"open your eyes I can't see your beautiful eyes"
"my ugly dark blue eyes"
"your beautiful dark blue eyes"
"shut up that's not true"
"mmm yeah it is" she rolls her eyes and I start kissing her. Someone walks in and I hear the camera shutter noise.

ooh who do you think it is? comment who you think it is its someone in the fabfive or O2L (yeah thanks that narrows it down) 😂😂😂 k bai

Is It Love ↬ jackxpennWhere stories live. Discover now