|the day|

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Jack's POV
"Alyx I'm so excited about tonight"
"Did I not tell you?"
"No-oh wait is it because you're going on that date with...Jenn"
"ITS NOT A DATE!! I don't think she likes me like that"
I look at my phone it's 7:45
"I have to go pick up Jenn"
"Right for your not-date"
I roll my eyes and go to my car.

When I reach Jenn's place I start freaking out. I dress up my usual a bit knowing that this isn't a date but still wanting to look nice. I walk up to her door and knock. Maybe she's not rea-I'm interrupted by her opening the door. Oh my god she look gorgeous. She's wearing a dark red dress with a leather jacket minimal makeup and black heels. I notice my mouth is open I close it.

"Woah" is all I manage to say.
"I know it's not a date but hey when am I gonna wear this" she laughs
"You look beautiful...not too bad I never thought I would see you like this" I whisper.
"Thanks not too bad yourself" she smiles. We walk to my car and we go to Cheesecake Factory. When we get there I ask for our table.
"Reserved and everything" she says sarcastically even though she knows I don't like to wait for a table. We decide what to get and when the waiter gets here she takes out order and gets out food ready. While we wait I start small talk...sorta
"What do wanna talk about?" Immediately regret if the question
"I dunno...did you see Kian and Jc's new video it's hilarious" why does she wanna talk about Jc, does she like her. I know he kinda has feelings for her.
"Uh yeah it was some good stuff" I laugh. She laughs too, she's so pretty when she laughs...even when she's not.

Jenn's POV
I talk about Jc not wanting to talk about how hot Jack looks, he'd think I'm weird for saying that.
"Uh yeah it was some good stuff" he laughs I laugh with him noticing his joke.
I drop my napkin on the floor and pick it up I see my black heels on my way back up, ugh I hate these shoes why did they have to look so good with my clothes. He notices my expressions.
"What's wrong" he looks at me with a sort of puppy dog face.
"Nothing just my shoes"
"Oh what's up with them?"
"Do your really wanna know it's kinda embarrassing"
"Trust me I'm your friend I wanna know"

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