|getting ready|

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I know it's his girlfriend because I've never met her before and I know all of Jack's friends.
"Hey Jenn, didn't know you lived here" Jack says as I walk by him with an annoyed look. Honestly I didn't either. I thought he still lived at his other place. I guess he moved bummer. I ignore him.

"Jenn! Jennifer McAlister don't ignore me!"
"What do you want Jack haven't you hurt me enough?!?"

Jack's POV

"Hey Jenn, didn't know you lived here" I say as she walks past me with an annoyed look.
"Jenn! Jennifer McAlister don't ignore me!"
"What do you want Jack haven't you hurt me enough?!?"
"What I haven't hurt you"
"Jack I'm gonna go nice meeting you" she leaves.

Jenn's POV

"Yes you have!" I start screaming "The hang out night we had you screamed at me for not telling you the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life! Then you just walk out on me without explaining to me why you were so mad at something so stupid and doesn't even matter! I thought I knew you better but I guess I didn't realize that you were an asshole" He looks at me with a defeated face.

"Sorry Jack I didn't mean to scream at you like that I guess I-" he cuts me off by putting his lips against mine, I start kissing back this is what I've been waiting for...no Jenn he hurt you. I pull away.

Jack's POV

I listen to her ramble on and on about how I was rude that night. I look at her defeated by her words. She tries to rambles again. I've had enough I cut her off by putting my lips against hers she starts to get into it but then she pulls away too quickly.
"Nothing" she walks to the elevator. I grab her arm.
"Did you feel anything?" She ignores me and squirms out of my grip and she runs to the elevator, she pushes the 'door close' button and I pound against the elevator doors. I lost her what am I gonna do? I get a text from Anthony
Anthony: Hey bitch you coming tonight??
Jack: Where?
Anthony: To the party at the O2L house duh!!
Jack: Uh sure
Anthony: See ya at 6:30!!
Hopefully Jenn will be there and I can talk to her about this.

Jenn's POV

I let loose of his grip and run to the elevator and push the 'door close' button, I hear a pound against the door probably Jack. I did feel something in that kiss I just didn't want to admit it he was with another girl. I get back to the apartment in tears. Andrea sees me.
"Jenn are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" I sniffle.
"Wipe your tears we gotta get you glamed up for tonight"
"What? Oh right the party I don't know if I wanna go anymore"
"What? C'mon don't be a Debbie downer"
"Ugh fine for you though"
"Yay" she clapped her hands together. She took me to the bathroom she put a ton of makeup in me. She also had curled my hair. When I walked out I looked for a dress.
"Your are not gonna wear that here try this" it was a tight black dress (this is where the picture comes in that's the dress and the hair not the makeup) when I come out of my room Andreas mouth falls open.

Anthony's POV

"Hey Rebeca!!"
"What do you want?"
"How come Jack didn't know about the party tonight"
"Because he's not supposed to come!!" she screams at me
"You invited him" I nod
"He wasn't supposed to know because Jenn specifically said don't invite Jack!!"
"Oh well shit then" she rolls her eyes at me. Well looks like I just ruined tonight. I can't just tell him not to come he'll know something's up. Gotta text Jenn
Anthony: Sorry Jenn
Jenn: for what?
Anthony: You'll find out tonight😁

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