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Jenn's POV

"Jack what the fuck are you doing here and why am I so cold?" I look in the sheets I'm butt naked. So is Jack. He noticed me looking and I blushed. I crawl out of the bed and get dressed.
"What happened last night?"
"Idk but my head hurts"
"Mine too...do you think we might have gotten drunk there's a cup over there on the floor"
"Where?" He asks
"Uh next to my bra" I blush

Jack's POV

"Uh next to my bra" she blushes, she so beautiful when she does that. I always get drunk at parties but these types of things don't happen. Oh god there's a condom wrapper in the floor I hope she doesn't see it. She noticed me staring she looked. Dammit.
"Oh shit did we have sex last night?"
"Honestly I don't remember a damn thing"
"Me either to be honest" she looked down. Her hair was in front of her face she looked beautiful.

Jenn's POV

I just had sex with my best friend. I must've been drunk last night for sure. I wouldn't have done that if I was sober...would I? Shake it from your mind Jenn. I look at Jack he fell asleep. I stand up and head for the door. I smile...until he says something I never thought he would say.
"CLAUDIA I-I..." I leave before he finishes saying anything. Oh my god he still loves Claudia. I wanna cry so bad right now. Who do I go to I have no one right now. Wait I'm at the O2L house. I go to Jc's room. I knock on the door.
"Jc?" I sniffle

Jack's POV

"CLAUDIA I-I DONT LOVE YOU" I wake up from my nightmare. Ugh why was Claudia clouding up my mind I have a beautiful girl right- I look for Jenn she's not here. I assume she went downstairs. I instantly fall back asleep. I dream of Jenn and that beautiful face of hers.

Jenn's POV

"Jc" I shake him "are you awake?"
He groans and sits up. He's shirtless. He smiles as he sees me.

"Hey Jennyxpenny" I giggle but my for long
"What's wrong?"
"So you me and Jack got drunk last night and slept together" he looks at me with a 'wtf' face I reply "I know" and I continue. "But we woke up this morning and we talked a little bit and he fell asleep and he screamed 'Claudia I-I' so I left I didn't wanna break down in front of him even though he was asleep" I start to cry he pulls me into his chest. I start to calm down.

"Jc..." I look up our faces are only a few centimeters apart we lean and kiss. It starts to get more passionate. I love it. I love Jc. I pull away.
"I love you Jenn"
"I love you too" he kisses me
"So like...do you wanna be my girlfriend"
"I don't know. Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"
"I don't know. What about Jack?"
"I don't care for him anymore"
"Okay babe" he kisses me.

Meh. Not my best chapter. Sorry if it was boring but hey we got some jcpenny and jackxpenn stuff goin on😏 Next chapter will hopefully be better. If you saw how my drafts were organized you would freak😂😂

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