|bad night|

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"I have to go to the bathroom" he nods, I almost run to the bathroom. The only people that know are Andrea, Lauren, and Arden because they were there otherwise I wouldn't have told them. Ugh I don't want to tell him, but he might hate me if I don't. I don't want him to find out the worst night of my life. But if I don't tell him he'll hate me. I walk back to the table.

"So are you gonna tell me?" he puts his phone back on the table. I sit down and take a deep breath.
"I can't tell you I'm sorry"
"Oh okay you don't think we're good enough friends for you to tell me!!!"
"What no you're like my best friend, it's just really embarrassing"
"If we were best friends you would tell me no matter how embarrassing!!!"

He gets up to leave, he pays on the way out. I sit there astounded by his words. I realize I can't loose him so I run outside to find Jack and go home. As I get out Jack gets in his car and it's too late. I sit on the curb and cry. Why would Jack say that. Andrea wouldn't have known if she wasn't there and she's the only one who knows. I call an uber. When I get home I run to my room and cry even more. Lauren walks in and sees my eyes are all puffy.

"Are you okay?
"Yeah I'm fine just Jack"
"Oh god what did he do this time?"
"Nothing don't worry"
"Okay if anything happens just tell me" I nod my head and she walks out. I fall asleep to ease my pain.


My phone vibrates and I wake up. It's from Jc, he's so nice and cute.
*hey heard about what happened with you and Jack do wanna maybe go get Starbucks and talk?*
*sure but...how'd you find out*
*Lauren said you had a bad night* (haha see I did there ;) )
*oh okay see you at 1?*
*yeah sure see you at Starbucks*


Ugh that made me so mad. Why wouldn't she want to tell me we've been friends for a few years now how could she not trust me. It's not like it's that bad. But best friends tell each other everything. Unless she's just saying that to lie...No Jack she wouldn't do that to you! But what if she did I almost wanna cry at that thought. She wouldn't hurt you like that Jack, she wouldn't hurt you, period.

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