Chapter 6 : She is Something

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Heya my sweet readers. It's good to see you all here. Today it's Karan's POV. Excited? Me too.

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Karan's POV :

"I'm home mom" I placed my wet jacket on the side, removed my shoes and socks and went towards my room.

I took a quick bath and changed into a comfortable outfit. It was already 7pm, so I went towards the dining room to have my dinner.

"Is your college starting tomorrow?" Dad asked. "Yes dad." He nodded and then I ate my food silently with my parents and little brother.

I was about to leave for my room when dad spoke "Study sincerely and get good grades. You are just starting with your college, stay serious from the first day itself and focus on your studies. You have to join the business after you graduate."
"Yes dad" I nodded just like a slave nods when he is commanded to do some work.

Dad and I had a good bond until I turned 12. After that he started drifting apart and pressurized me to study more and get good grades. It wasn't like he stopped caring for me, but now that closeness and comfort was missing which I felt with him in my childhood.

My mom was also a working woman, but she only worked part-time because of the household responsibilities she had.
She used to be a comfort place for me and my little brother, Sahil, but suddenly she also started to speak less and became busy with her life.

Financial needs are not the only requirement a child wants from their parents. Parents think that when their child is small, he needs extra affection and care, and after he grows up, he will understand that their parents have their own duties. Instead parents should understand the sudden change they make their child go through which not always leave a good impact on the kid.
Sometimes the child starts to feel lonely because he was treated so nicely and suddenly is left alone.

A child should be given proper time and care especially in his teenage years because it is the time where the child's personality and way of thinking is developed. He has to choose a path which he has to follow throughout his life. The conceptions a child makes in his teenage time don't leave his mind easily. So a teenager must be handled with as much delicacy as a new born baby.

I stopped thinking about all this and went into my room, preparing for tomorrow. It will be the first day of college. I must dress well.

After all the preparations, I had no other work to do. I laid on my bed and looked at the time. It was 8:30 PM only. Since past few days I've been sleeping late because of something or the other, and now I'm not able to sleep on time when I've to wake up early tomorrow.

I started thinking about today's activities to kill the time. I woke up at 7 AM. Did my excercise. Went to dad's office for some work, where I had a small incident with a female employee who was around 20-21 years old and was misbehaving with me.

I tried to make her understand that I'm not interested in her but she wasn't listening to me. She even held my hand forcefully, and when I tried to shake it off, she dug her nails more and scratched through my skin, making my hand bleed. She was soon handled by the security officers. I came back home and then helped Sahil in his homework. After that I went out to meet Advik, Kritika, and her new friend Aditi.

*Aditi* her name ringing in my head. The first day I saw her in the nearby store, she was wearing a green t-shirt with white jacket and black trouser. Her hair tied into two messy buns and she was yet looking so comfortable and free.

When Kritika was introducing her to Advik, I looked at her closely. She was so small in front of me, around 5'4". She had cute facial features and her smile had a different kind of warmth.

As soon as Kritika started introducing her to me, I got nervous because I was already looking at her, so I turned my gaze to my phone and started scrolling here and there. *What if she had seen me ogling her, that would've been so awkward and uncomfortable for her.*

"He is Karan." Kritika spoke. I felt Aditi's eyes on me as I was scrolling the settings app on my phone. Ya! My settings app!

I said a small "hi" without looking at her as I felt nervous.
I've never been so nervous before, so why am I feeling it now and that too at so much extent!?

I continued to shuffle between my seetings and clock app, while my whole focus was on Aditi and her smile that she gave to Advik and Kritika. She went back soon as she had to go early and I saw her disappear when she was going towards her home.

Today, when I saw her, she was looking different in her white top and blue jeans.
Different in a good way. It's not that she wasn't looking pretty in her previous messy look, but this elegant and simple look of hers was more attractive.

I came out of her thoughts and thought to myself *Did I just called her pretty, elegant and attractive? I haven't used these words before for anyone in my life.* It was weird to believe that even I can think like this for someone.

Someone... But she's just not someone. She had my whole attention today when she was watching Advik and Kritika when they were fighting like children. She was smiling and enjoying their silly arguments.

Soon when it started raining, Kritika told her to go with me. Even though she spoke in a low voice and fast tone, I caught the words and heard her.

I followed Aditi when she was walking, actually running with her small legs. I was literally walking at my normal speed to catch up her speed, but that's okay. I had to take care of her and drop her home safely so I decided to stay behind her all the time.

When it started raining heavily, she stood under a shelter and I followed her. We both were all drenched from top to bottom. She turned back to have a glimpse of me, and her eyes widened. Maybe she wasn't expecting me. Maybe she thought that I wasn't following her anymore.

As I looked at her face, I saw that she wasn't wearing any makeup and yet looked so beautiful in her own skin and features. Water droplets were sliding on her smooth skin. Her wet middle - length hair lying on her shoulders. I turned my gaze to her eyes I saw her looking at me. She was ogling me just like I did a few seconds ago.

I looked into her eyes and our eyes met. It was the first time I saw her beautiful dark brown eyes looking into mine. Soon I shifted my gaze away to reduce the awkwardness. I saw her shivering in the cool breeze as she was rubbing her hands against her arms to generate heat.
My eyes fell on her clothes and
oh my goddd!


Ohhooo... Karan is also thinking about Aditi. Not expected from him right? 🤭

Excited to see what's next? Even I am! Let's find out together.

Your lovely author

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