025: Day one Greenie

Start from the beginning

He stood up like nothing happened and looked around. I walked back to my hut when no one was watching, Alby would give the boy a tour now so I had time to do whatever I wanted to do, or to prepare myself to not look like I knew him, should I tell him his name? But what about the Gladers would they think I'm bad? A witch?

I hadn't even arrived at my hut when the first tears were streaming down my face, I was only a month here, so much happened in only one month. There was no escape, Minho ran everything, which meant I would die here.

I decided to go into the deadheads and just sit there, I leaned against a tree and was beating me from the inside for crying so much.

I hadn't noticed it but I was sitting there and carved into my hand with a small pointed stick. I was lost in my own world. I couldn't close my eyes, all those memories came up. I had so much going on and for Thomas to come up didn't help much. But would that mean I won't get more memories? That would be good. Or maybe even more would come because Tommy- Thomas is here.

My tears were already gone and I was just sitting there, overthinking and carving lines in my skin, the stick got more and more red color with every move I made.

"Here you are." Newt suddenly stood next to the tree. I hid my hand and stood up. "Why were you searching for me?"

"Alby told me to- what's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." He took my arm and looked at it, even stroked my arm. "Why did you do that?"

"I was bored, nothing special." I pulled my hand out of his hands.

"Is there something going on?"

Yes. "No."

"I swear, everything is fine, aww newt I don't deserve you, you are way too good." I hugged him tightly.

"Let's go Alby is searching me." I took his hand into mine and we both walked out. "Don't tell anyone, not even Minho." I gave Newt a last kiss and walked to the tower where Newt and Alby were standing.

"Yo Alby." I held a hand above my eyes, cause the sun was shining right into my eyes.

"Hey Alisha, where have you been?" Alby waved at me and climbed down with Tommy-Thomas behind him. I need to get used to Thomas and not Tommy.

"I'm going take care of the Greenie."

"Hey t- Greenie." I shook his hand while he was looking at me up and down. "Yes, I am a real girl, the only one here."

"How is that possible?" He wondered. "Don't ask me Greenie."

"What is a Greenie?"

"A Greenie is the person who got sent up last, they will call you Greenie until a new person comes up."

"You are lucky Greenie." We walked over to my hut. "Me and Chuck got a place for you, so you don't need to sleep outside."


"A boy, the youngest here, you will like him everyone does."

I opened the door to my hut and showed him everything. I knew that the boy still had many questions.

"It's the same story for all of us, so don't feel embarrassed if you don't remember anything, you will probably remember it when Gally will fight you tonight."

"Is that the way you remembered your name?" My face filled with color when I thought about the way I remembered my name.

"No, It was different."

"How?" This boy could never shut up.

"Listen, I know you are new and don't know anything but could you stop talking that much, and especially stop asking me private questions!"

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous."

"Don't worry. You're already doing better than Chuck did, funny story, want me to tell you that?"

He nodded. "He clunked his pants three times before they got him out of the pit." I giggled at that, even if I didn't see it.

I turned around to show him where my bed was and when I turned back he was gone.

"Shucking Tommy." I ran out of the hut and saw Thomas walking towards the maze.

"I'm gonna kill him." I ran after the boy. "Don't go in there."

"Why not?" He looked at me. "It's not safe there." We both turned around when Minho and Ben came out of the maze.

"Hey Shorty, new Greenie, huh?" He winked at us.

"You look like you have much fun." Ben laughed. "Of course we do." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I thought no one was allowed to leave." Thomas glanced at me.

"You and the others are not allowed to leave, Ben, Minho, and me, are different. We are runners."

"We know more about the maze than anyone else."

"Wait what?" Thomas's eyes widened.


"You said maze?" He looked to the maze and back to me. "I know." Thomas started walking towards the maze again.

"Where are you going." I jogged after him. "I'm just gonna take a look."

"Are you deaf? I told you, it's not allowed." But the boy just kept walking.

"It's not safe." I stopped him by pulling his arm. He looked down at my hand and I immediately pulled it away.

"Hey!" Gally came screaming at Thomas. This will be a lot of fun. Thomas flew to the floor, he really flew. It looked fun.

"We gotta stop meeting like this, Greenie."

"Get off me." Thomas fought his way up. "All right!" Gally tried to calm the boy down but it didn't help.

I looked back and saw Alby, Newt, and some Gladers run to us. "What the hell is wrong with you guys."

Newt slowly came closer. "Just calm down, all right?"

"No, okay? Why won't you tell me what's out there?"

"We're just trying to protect you. It's for your own good." Alby also came closer. "You guys can't just keep me here."

"I can't let you leave." Thomas turned around at a sudden sound, he saw the walls move and his face could tell that he was confused.

"What the hell?" The doors slowly came closer and closed with one last 'BOOM'

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." Gally walked away and so did the other Gladers.

"Welcome to the Glade." Thomas turned around looking confused at Alby.

"See that's why." I stepped closer and led him back to my hut. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know."

"Is it always happening?"


"When will-"

"It will open tomorrow, okay."

The Greenie was a whole full-time job, why was he so energetic?

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