Chapter 1 Palpagos Isles

Start from the beginning

"Lunaris let me g-..."

My eyes meet Lunaris's gaze again. It's a female, and she's scared. I want to comfort her. Has she gained control over me? Is this control, or compassion?

"Don't be afraid, I need your help," a voice says in my head.

"Lunaris?" I ask.

"My name is Moon, what is your name, friend?"

I back into the cave wall as she approaches me.

"I am lost in the darkness, you are filled with light, won't you share your light with me, I too want to behold the beauty of the world as it is lit by the day star," she says pressing me against the cave wall.

"I can't remember who I am, or what happened, I know I came on a ship to research Pals, but everything else is a blur," I reply.

"I too dance in the darkness of my mind, I keep searching through the void, but my memories are lost, perhaps your light can reveal what hides in the darkness," Moon says.

"You can just call me Morado, it's nice to meet you Moon, but how can I understand you?" I ask.

"Our minds are one, intertwined like our destinies," she replies.

"Our destinies, but I don't know you Moon," I say.

"Don't say such hurtful things, you know me, you just don't remember, just like I know you, but I don't remember."

A small fire crackles in the cave as Moon moves closer to me. It seems she desires my body warmth. Moon presses herself against me and I see joy in her eyes.

"Take this, I feel that you are deserving of it, though I do not remember why," she says handing me a red sphere.

Just like that, Lunaris is my first pal.

Paldeck entry #063


It can control those who carelessly stare into its eyes. Those seen with a Lunaris are in its mind, simply under its control.

I punch trees and a blue boulder for about ten minutes until I have enough wood and palladium to build a Palbox. Lunaris shows up with its arms full of meat. She must have been out hunting. I'll make a fire and cook the meat. After we've had a meal, I'll check my paldek and see what kind of shelter I can create.

Strapping some wood together I make a small building with a bed. By the time I'm done I don't have enough materials to make a pal bed. After all the work she put in I don't want to tell Moon to sleep outside though.

     Moon's sitting by the fire poking it with a stick when I approach her.

"Moon, why don't you lay in bed with me tonight?" I ask.

"Luna-ris?" She says confused.

"I think the bed would be warmer with you in it," I reply cunningly.

"Lunaris," she replies with a smile.

It's strange lying with a Pal, but she's all I've got right now. We'll have to take care of each other. If I travel north through these ruins, there should be a small laboratory run by the Pal Genetics Research Unit. I don't know why I remember these islands. I can't remember my own name, but for some reason I was headed here before 'it' happened. Whatever 'it' was.

"Luna-ris," Moon says grabbing at the blanket.

I roll over so she can cover herself more. She's smaller than before, and she has a sort of strange glow about her. I can't help but feel I know her. This is the first time I've ever been so close to a Pal before though. Why does she feel so familiar?

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