Rewrite Chapter 3

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250 AD- Roman Empire

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250 AD- Roman Empire

Muranu and Aeolus ran through the streets of Rome dodging any soldiers they hppened to see, as they both paused inside an alley Aeolus looked to his father "Who would have done this?"

Muranu looked down pain clear in his eyes "Someone who I'm sure got paid to sell out his brothers."

As soon as their path was cleared they moved on finally coming to their home a few minutes later, inside Calypso looked up from where she and Esther were baking. Behind them Ambrose was playing with Gideon and they all were surprised by the look on their father and brothers faces.

Calypso ran to her husband and son "What happened?"

"We have to go, now!" Muranu told her bypassing his wife for the first time in their long marriage to grab the bags that would carry their supplies "We wont have long."

As he spoke the door crashed in and a group of soldiers entered the room, Muranu had a split second to think. He knew he, his wife and his three elder children together could beat the soldiers, but it would leave his two youngest open to their first death. Esther was six and ten, Gideon was only eleven and the thought of the two dying now was wrong in Muranu's mind.

So with one word he stopped his family from fighting "No."

The lead soldier saw their surrender and arrested them peacefully, or as peacefully as was possible as they came outside Muranu frowned at the fact that one of their friends stood there accepting money from the soldiers.

Esther noticed that she and Gideon were being led away from the rest of the family "Hey! No!"

Her mother looked back and her eyes widened trying to fight the soldiers "No! They have to come with us!"

"Where are you taking them!" Aeolus screamed as the entire family tried to fight to escape their bonds but the soldiers were able to hold them back as the leader explained "The younger ones go to the slave block, you three are being taken to prison."


Calypso looked to her daughter for a moment and somehow she managed to knock the guard holding her over and run to where Esther and Gideon were bwing shoved in a caged wagon.

"You are strong! Protect yourself and your brother!" She was drug back and the next voice heard was that of Moranu screaming "We will find you!"

Esther watched with tears in her eyes as many kindness that had been shown to them was gone, the soldiers began to beat her family as the carriage she and Gideon were in was pulled away. Gideon was sobbing and Esther reached out pulling her young brother close "We're going to be alright Gideon, I promise."

They were taken to the slave market which was loud and filthy and placed in a pit along with many others. Esther rocked her brother to sleep and that night in the darkness and muck of that pit she prayed "Please God, send someone to help us."

Longer Than Forever: Highlander Fanfic MethosxOCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant