Chapter 5

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(During the events of Finale II)

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(During the events of Finale II)

Kalas had the disc with everything there was to know about immortals on it, and that meant wveryone who knew about it was going insane.

"Maybe David could figure out something." Methos said tiredly they had been up all night trying to find something, anything that would give away where Kalas was. He honestly didnt know how many beers he had drank at this point.

Duncan looked up "Who's David?"

"Someone who is not nearly as powerful as he was 200 years ago. I dont think he could help us." Esther looked at Methos with a frown on her face she always tried to keep her boys a secret and tried not to mention them if possible.

Methos rolled his eyes and took another sip, David was one of the most powerful immortals on earth and no one knew about him. He had spies everywhere, had access to some of the top branches of the different goverments.

Duncan frowned as Methos began speaking to Esther in a language he didn't know, he looked over at Amanda who also had a frown on her face..

"Do you understand them?" he whispered

"No, they arent speaking any language I've ever heard." Amanda stood "Esther why don't we go grab some food?"

Esther cut off what she was saying to look at Amanda, she knew why the girl had interrupted. People tended to get annoyed when they didn't understand her and Methos. The old man had taught her how to speak an ancient Egyptian dialect that had died out and was unknown by anyone but him.

None of her brothers knew it and it always drove them crazy when she and Methos would start. She sighed and stood up following Amanda

"This conversation is not over." Methos said still speaking Egyptian as she walked away

She just nodded, she knew they should contact David but she hated to. Not just because she wanted to protect him but because she wanted to take care of this herself. And her big brother would never let her live it down if she called him.


"So me and Macleod said I love you for the first time last night." Amanda told the older immortal

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