Chapter 11

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Two horses thundered across the fields of Wyoming, the riders side by side as they fought to win the race

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Two horses thundered across the fields of Wyoming, the riders side by side as they fought to win the race. Finally one rider pulled ahead of the other, but they still continued not stopping until they came to the edge of a cliff where they pulled up.

Methos breathed in as he looked out across the mountains, it was so peaceful here.

"You really picked a good place."

Esther nodded staring at the view "Yeah, it wasnt just me all of us picked it... We knew we would need a place where we could get away.. Civilization kept growing, and I couldnt stand it... 500,000 acres untouched by anyone but us and the natives who live here."

"You let them stay?"

She nodded "It was theirs first, they just let me live on it.. One of their medicine men helped me make most of the land holy ground about eighty years ago."

Methos looked at his wife, she looked at home here which made him wonder "Why hang around in Paris and Washington then?"

"Kind of thought that was obvious." She looked at him with love in her eyes and Methos smiled before looking away.

When he did Esther frowned, she was telling the truth partly... But Macleod had to be protected, he couldnt be left alone.. Not yet.



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3 Months later- Paris, France

Methos and Esther awoke to the feeling of an immortal approaching, they both shot up grabbing their swords. Both barely wore any clothes, he had on a pair of boxers and she was wearing only her underwear and bra.

They both backed to the wall preparing to attack anyone that came through the door.

"Meeeethos, Essssie! Open the door, I know you're there!"

Esther groaned and walked back to the bed flinging herself down on it "Pretend we didnt hear her."

Methos looked longingly towards his bed and his wife, but as Amanda kept knocking he knew it was a lost cause. He slowly walked to the door, and Esther popped her head up to watch him. A thousand years and her husband was one sight she would never tire of seeing.

Longer Than Forever: Highlander Fanfic MethosxOCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu