Chapter 7

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1590 AD

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1590 AD

Connor Macleod knelt next to his wifes graveside with tears in his eyes, they had lived a happy life for the most part although she had become depressed in her later years.

Heis mind raced with memories of both her and Ramirez, the smiled at the thought of his old master. The man had taught him much crazy as he was, and he was afraid he would never find another teacher as good as him

He raised his head when he felt immortals approaching, standing he grabbed the sword Ramirez had given to him. Two figures rode into view, as they got closer he realized it was a man and a woman.

They came to a stop in front of him, both of them looking him over silently for a moment before the woman spoke

"I am Cian this is my companion Adam."

She paused looking expectantly at Connor

"I am Connor Macleod of the clan Macleod."

The man Adam laughed before saying something in another language to the woman beside him which made her laugh. Connor frowned not appreciating the fact that they were speaking in a language he did not understand.

The woman noticed his expression and smiled kindly

"You must forgive my companion, he is not as young as he once was and forgets his manners often. But unless you are just craving a fight the two of us will be on our way."

Connor shook his head, no he did not want to fight especially not today.

The woman spoke one last time as the two riders turned away "My condolences by the way."

Connor watched the two ride away they didn't get far before they both pulled up their horses the man gestured back towards Connor and the woman looked in the direction he was pointing. Then the two turned riding back towards him, they came to a stop and this time they dismounted, and the man was the one who spoke.

"Thats a very nice sword you carry, in fact it reminds me of a sword an old friend of mine owned. Maybe you've heard of him he went by Ramirez."

Connor observed the two realizing that if the man had not recognized his sword they truly would have left.

"I did not kill him!"

"Then who did, there are very few immortals left alive who have the power to take the head of Ramirez. But a youngling, a student, someone he trusted could have done it on the sly."

The two immortals both had their swords out at this point and were circling Connor in an almost lazy fashion.

"The Kurgan did it and I will kill him for it." This made the two immortals pause in their circling, they looked at each other before speaking once again in the language they had before.

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