The door swung open, revealing the guard with an unreadable face. "Hands out."

"What the hell do you want?" She arched an intimidating brow at the man, "Chancellor is finally going to give me an early release?"

His face was grim as two other guards flanked his side. "Sorry I gotta do this kid."

Before Astrid could react, one of the guards swarmed her side, pressing an electric rod against her neck. The jolts of electricity sent her body rigid. The last feeling before darkness overcame her was her head hitting the cool metal floor, and a sharp sting along her wrist.

Her body jolted-no- shook awake. But not by hands. By turbulent air tossing the cabin around. As the roaring pain in her head diminished to a dull throb, she cracked her eyes open. Muffled cheers and panicked echoes forced her senses to wake. Synthetic fuel tickled her nose. A groan escaped Astrid's lips as she straightened her back in the chair, feeling the straps holding her down.

"Hey." A curious female voice called out to her. "Hey! Are you okay?"

Her eyes fluttered around the cabin, shifting her gaze at all the faces until she settled on the one directly across from her. The woman's dark eyes filled with concern as she cocked her head to the side, dark locks pooling over her shoulder.

"What... what's happening?" The words came out hoarse against Astrid's throat.

"We're going back." She beamed with excitement from her chair.

"Back where?" Her eyebrows creased with confusion, trying to piece together what the woman meant. "What the hell is going on?"

"We're going to Earth. The Ark is sending us down to see if we can live. You just missed Jaha's speech."

Astrid eyes grew wide at the news. Fear panged deep in her chest, leaving her breathless. This couldn't be happening. She was supposed to die in 93 days. Not live. Her whole life, she waited for the moment when those doors would blast her into space. But now, she was expected to live. Not for her own pleasure, but as another test subject for the Ark.

"What's your name?" Her voice snapped Astrid out of her daze.


She chuckled softly at the blank stare. "What's your name?"


"Octavia." Octavia tilted her head at Astrid, trying to piece together if she knew the girl. If Octavia had ever heard her name, or seen her face. But then again, there was a decent chance none of them knew who Astrid was, either. Maybe a myth that circulated through the Ark, but nothing more. Ideally, she'd like to keep it that way. She had no intention of making friends, even if their ship didn't crash into Earth and incinerate all of them.

In retrospect, Astrid was amongst a bunch of criminals. Some of which had probably been locked away for petty crimes such as stealing or drugs. But others went as far as murder. The thought made her shudder in her chair. Nothing good could come out of this, she thought as she scanned the rest of the 100.

She wondered what Octavia was in for. She didn't look like a murderer, but then again, it seemed unfathomable that any kid could kill somebody on the Ark.

Another blast of turbulence jolted them. Some of those who had taken advantage of the lack of gravity for their own entertainment, were then thrown against the ship. Sparks flew over Astrid's head. She braced against the straps in her chair, closing her eyes and waited, praying for the inevitable crash that would kill them all.

But it never came. Instead, the dropship was utterly still, utterly silent. Until the lights flickered over head and the seatbelts came loose. She watched as everybody rushed from their seats to the lower level. Anxiety pulsed against her skin as she climbed down the ladder, just after Octavia.

Winwolfa (A Roan x Female OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now