★ 16 ★

86 4 18


*pretends not to be extremely excited to write this chapter*

TWs: blood, falling, swears 


Scar struggled over a large tree root, landing on the other side with a thump. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and continued.
Jellie meowed from his shoulders, her tiny sharp claws digging into his shirt whenever she got too nervous.

Which way now?  Scar thought hopelessly, seeing he was at the edge of a large ravine.

Forward. The voice instructed, Trust me, Scar. Go forward.

But... forward is...

I will save you.

Scar hesitated for a moment longer. He took Jellie off his shoulders and placed her gently on the ground near a bush.

You've come this far. You can't stop now. Go forward.

The vexling peeked over the edge, barely being able to see the bottom through the thick mist of the forest.

To anyone else, going over was certain death. But Scar was special. He trusted the voice.


He closed his eyes...

...and started to fall.

Jimmy pushed his way into the hospital room, praying that his sister wouldn't have ended up here. Since after the party, he hadn't been able to find her. She wasn't in her dorm, she wasn't at the cafe, she wasn't in the sky-room Jimmy had discovered...
This was the only place left to check, since the classes were closed off on weekends. At least, they were until twelve.

Jimmy passed by several empty beds, stopping at one that was full just to see who it was.

It was the Listener who had collapsed the night before. Martyn.
Beside him on a stool was the dog hybrid, one hand locked in Martyn's and the other holding a book on his lap.

Jimmy nodded a greeting to Ren and continued.
He found one bed that looked like someone had been sleeping there a few rows down, and even further down...


She was pale, breathing slow, deep breaths. Bandages ran up one of her arms, and Jimmy could see hints of dried blood.
To his relief, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"Hey, Jimmy." Jimmy jumped, turning to see Joel.

"Do you know who this is?" Joel gestured to Lizzie, looking a bit alarmed.

"Yeah. This is my sister Lizzie."

"Oh. Well I saved your sister's life." Joel boasted. At Jimmy's reaction he began to explain,
"She kinda looked really tired and pale at the party, and then she started to bleed and she fainted. So I was like, 'oh s***, she needs help', and took her here."

"At least she's okay." Jimmy breathed, "Thank you."

"Am I interupting something?"

Joel turned, and Jimmy saw Cub standing near the curtains. He looked worried, and Jimmy thought he could see a hint of blue in his normally green eyes.

"Hey. You're Jimmy, right?" Jimmy dipped his head.

"Alright, good. My friend Scar- I think you met him at the party? He's in a wheelchair- He went for a walk near the forest a while ago and hasn't come back yet."

"I would go with you to look, but..." Jimmy looked to his sister again.

"I can watch her if you'd like." Joel offered with a smile. Jimmy was surprised, but agreed. He turned back to Cub.

"Let's go get Impulse and Skizz."

Cub pointed his flashlight to a nearby tree, shivering. Fall was arriving, and it was somehow even colder in the forest than it was outside.

"Ooooh, spooky." Skizz commented, his flashlight shining at a rock. Impulse yelped as a frightened squirrel ran to a fallen log. Jimmy nearly dropped his flashlight at the sudden noise, but steadied it in his hands with a sigh.

Cub continued along, leading the group through the thick fog.

"Woah." Impulse gasped as he saw some mushrooms. "Hey, Skizz! Come look at this!"

There was no answer.

"Skizz?" Cub turned around. He saw Impulse and Jimmy, but no Skizz.

"Where'd he go?" Jimmy asked.

"SKIZZ?" Impulse called. The group went silent, but there was still no answer.

"SKIZZ, THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" Impulse pleaded, begining to look behind trees.

Cub heard something behind him and quickly twisted around. There was nothing. He looked back to where Impulse and Jimmy were- and found himself alone.

"What-? IMPULSE! JIMMY!" He shouted. He moved forward cautiously, calling for his friends every few steps. As Cub was about to call out again, he froze. A soft squeaking echoed through the dense woods. Cub carefully made his way towards the noise.

"Ow!" He tripped. His flashlight landed a few meters in front of him and flicked off. Cub steadied his glasses and got up. He found his flashlight, and struggled to turn it on again.

The light was weak and kept flashing.

"No no no no no... s***." Cub hissed as the light flickered and died. "Come on... you..."
Cub sighed with relief as it turned on again. He moved the light around and caught something shining.

"Oh... oh no..."

It was Scar's discarded wheelchair.


Cub shuddered. "Who's there?!" He demanded. He saw a pair of bright blue eyes open and stare at him from a distance.

"Hello, Cub."

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 ★ A MCYT School AUWhere stories live. Discover now