take care mister...it was reaper who muttered to himself, once the doors slowly closed.

reaper waited there for few seconds, and went to polish the drank cup of tea, and kept it at his tea gallery, at the rack with that person's name.

he finally sighed with relief.


Goblin was at his mansion, wearing his 'wear-to' silk blue gown and laying on his wife spaced bed. He was shaking his legs nonstop while biting his fingernails.

Did I somehow mention about the sword....goblin thought.

I am damn sure that I didn't tell anything about it or for that matter my past....goblin said to himself while adjusting his pillow to the bed rest, and aligning on to it.

So...he paused.

why now...I mean....he paused again.

why him...goblin slowly said to himself, thinking to untangle all of this mess.

Or did he ask from that black reaper...goblins thoughts drove fast.

No way...he spoke to himself again.

He is afraid of that reaper...he only feel safe with me...hah...goblin was proud for that.

But he said that he was handsome...he didn't seem to be afraid of reaper when he told so....goblin again thought, this time seated on the bed.

I mean how can that dumbo be handsome and I am just good looking...huh...school kids...goblin sighed in annoy. More like jealousy.

But...he paused,this time he was serious.

No can see my sword, even the grim reaper...he took a break for his thoughts.

He was telling the truth then..? Goblin stood up slowly.

So...is he really my bride...goblin asked to himself, now infront of the mirror.


Win was done with his lectures and was getting off the school premises to leave for his part timer.

He was walking along the pavement, wearing his one ear broke headphone, listening to his favourite list, where suddenly he was shocked for the sudden horn of a vehicle which stopped right behind him. He suddenly turned to see the person who shocked him.

Mister...win saw once it was clear for him to recognize that it was not any other but goblin who was at the SUV.

Why are you walking alone...he said coming out, with an annoyed voice.

Uhh...someone is on mood...win said while noticing the red flares form goblins face.

I told you I will pick you up today...goblin said while taking Win's bag on to his hand.

Huh...you didn't say anything like that....win told with confused manner, neglecting the cute way of how goblin took his heavy bag from him.

dumb nephew....goblin sighed while rubbing his temple, knowing that mix forgot to mention about goblins message to win.

I should have said you personally....goblin said and sighed, as let bygones be bygones.

Get in....he said to win, and win was already ready to get into the vehicle. He always liked to travel with goblin. Not that goblin was talkative or responding type of person but still, there was some enough amount of comfort that win felt when they were traveling together. He felt as himself.

How was school today....goblin asked once he roared the engine up and got the SUV to the track.

It was good....maths was boring...so was history....got an assignment on due by next Tuesday...presentation by end of this week...so yeah...school is sooooo good....win needed sarcastically.

Bright win: The lonely god and his brideWhere stories live. Discover now