School Starts Already?! Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hyacinth," Poisonwing loud-whispered. "WAKE UP."
She rolled over and turned orange and yellow. "I AM awake you lummox." She got out of a bed with growling muttering and slapped her tail on the bed. "I don't want to go to school."
"Really?" Kolluth asked, sceptical. "Last year you couldn't wait to go to school."
"You'll meet so many new friends!" Poisonwing smiled. "Plus my girlfriend is coming and you could get to know her."
"I know her," she grumbled. She went over to her bags and pulled out a rose gold and bracelet. She turned her scales navy blue with a splash of dark torquise with complimented her outfit. "I'm ready."


Magenta had never been so scared. The only time she left the rainforest was when it flooded, and that was only two months. This time, it was a whole year. How would Father react to this? Would he be mad and wonder if she just ran away if she took all her stuff and sneaked out at midnight?

"Magenta!" Roared a voice in the kitchen, and she stopped packing and turned herself green. She walked out of her room and found her father sitting in front of the front door reading a letter. "What's this? What is Jade Mountain Academy?"

"It's the top school in Pyrrhia," she explained. "Queen Glory picks out two rainwing names and two Nightwing names to go there and I was picked." Something in Father's expression changed and he frowned.

"It says you'll be gone for a year," he said. "Is that true?" She nodded. "Well, I guess that's okay so I can meet more women. Our heat time is coming up, but don't think that since you're away that you can do whatever you want." She beamed.
"Thank you, Father!" She bounded back into her room and finished packing in two minutes.


Seashell needed to make sure that she had everything, including her egg. Her egg had gotten a bit bigger in the past two months and it was at least the size of two of her talons stacked on top of each other. It was just the slightest torquise with pink and black freckles all over it. In one bag, she held supplies for her baby, and the other her own things. Her brothers had already finished packing and so were Mother.

"We gotta go now!" Mother said, coming into her room without a knock. "I have to make sure I remembeeed all the kids who were enrolled and create a new cave. What should the new winglet be named?"
"Nickel?" Seashell suggested. "I dunno." She packed some beads and jewelry into a small clear bag and dropped it in the bigger bag. "I'll be out in a sec."
"Alright, but if you aren't out here in ten minutes, we're leaving without you and you're going to need to catch up."
"Okay okay!" She said and then beckoned for her mom to get out of her room. She draped a the egg carrier over her head and let it bounce on her chest. She draped another bag on her neck and went out of her room, smiling.


Cloud was so chill.
Key word there: WAS.

She was glad she "accidentally" forgot all of her stuff in what she thought was a good hiding place until when they got to the school. When they got there, she immediately went to her parents office which still smelled smoky. There were dried white blotches all over the place as if someone spilled paint everywhere. Even they bed had it too- She shoved away that thought.

Anyway, she looked under the desk to get her stuff that she'd hidden when it wasn't there. She looked all over the place, the white stained bed, the floor, the desk drawers, the cloak rack, but it wasn't there. She was starting to wonder if what she was doing was smart, and she wasn't very confident about it.

"Cloud!" Her Father called. "What are you doing in my office?"
"Looking for my stuff," she shrugged. "It isn't here."
"No duh," he snorted. "Your mother had it."
"I found your bag!" Mother smiled, handing it to her daughter. Cloud grabbed it and searched through it, seeing that everything was there.

She looked back up and smiled at Peril's blue eyes. She looked at her wings and smiled at the golden veins weaving it's way through. Then, she looked at her own wings which had brown and gold veins running through and her Skywing shape.
"Thanks," she said, and then went off to do her yearly job before they open up the school.

She made sure that all the caves were livable for a year and that the Prey Center had enough disposable bind outside so dragonets won't throw their garbage somewhere else. She and Squelch made sure that the teachers who were coming in knew where they were going. They also made sure that the "Welcome Back and Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy!" was outside and was visual to everyone.


"We have to go! Starflight STOP PACKING FOR MOONS SAKE AND LET'S GO."

Venus could hear her parents arguing affectionately at each other from her room, although what she really wanted was peace and quiet. She was told to pack even though she didn't want to. Her mother had said she was going to school, but HELL NAH went a voice in her head and she threw a whole tantrum about it. And then she was put in time out for a whole thirty minutes and then when she came out, her big brother Mossstone made fun of her.

Now, she was starting to ask herself whether she should bring her pink sheets or her white ones.
"I might pee the bed if I do white and then it stains," she thought. "But if I do pink than it'll just be orange and orange and pink looks pretty together. Pink is better. Now my necklaces."

While Venus was working on her stuff, Mossstone was busy throwing all of his toys and camel skin hats from Grandma Thorn into his bag because Mommy promised him food. He was now twice the size of his little sister and he had gotten a little overweight. It was until they visited a traveling Mudwing doctor that Mommy and Daddy were limiting the amount of food he was eating at dinner and he didn't like it. But daddy said something about there being a prey center at school, so he was happy about that.


"Maybe school wouldn't be so bad," all the dragons thought to themselves.

But little did they know, it would be much, much worse than that.


I'm so sorry that this is late. I've been so busy this whole week that I didn't even remember that I had wattpad to think about and it was only 12 am that I woke up and realized I have even MORE things I have to do. Hopefully, you should get part 2 tomorrow on Saturday and if it isn't, y'all can scream at me all you want.

There is a high chance I'm not gonna reply to any of them.


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