Revenge For Queen Coral Part 1

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Auklet watched as some new Seawings came into the Deep Palace. She, as many others, watched as Queen Anemone seam in with twenty guards holding two Seawings hostage. She watched as they threw the two on the pearly floor with force and then held them hostage from the floor. Anemone climbed upon Mother's throne frowning. Her fellow citizens gathered around her, leaving a gap for the new Seawings.

"Weed!" Cried a dragonet in Aquatic amidst the crowd. He was quickly shut up by the other Seawings.

In Aquatic, Anemone declared, "We have found Moray's minions and killed them, except for these two and a Sandwing. Soon, we will locate the location of Moray, and the hostages will tell us exactly where." She turned to the Seawings in front of her, who had their heads bowed and away from her. "As for Weed and Field, they will bring us there, and allow us to kill her."
"Don't kill her, please!" Field begged, and the Seawings around them flared with anger. Anemone growled a spurt of bubbles and Weed turned to him with wide eyes. "She is a fine leader. I would rather bow down to her than you."
"She's a phycopath. Would you rather follow someone who cares for you, or someone who doesn't?" Auklet growled. Her green tail lashed as she swam toward them. She flared her green gills and grabbed him by his neck. He struggled and the Seawing next to him cried a protest. "Would you like to follow a dragon who murdered her queen, her father, and Seawing citizens? Would you like to follow her or your Queen?"
"She is not my queen!" Field shouted with aggression.

The water around him stirred as he blew fast bubbles to the surface. The dragons around him curled their claws and raised their tails, smacking it into the pearly floor. Anemone looked shocked and angry, her pale wings rising as she swam toward him. Auklet screamed and squeezed his neck harder, causing him to latch on to her wrists and choke. Weed stared with wide eyes as blood started to spill out.
"She is your queen, you are a Seawing, and if you do not follow the commands of your majesty, I will kill you," Auklet growled, her green tail thrashing dangerously. "Now, tell us where Moray is so we can find her."
"No!" His scales flashed with fear, but his eyes were full of anger. His grasp on her wrists hardened. "Please!"

But it was too late. Too much blood has came out of him already, and his head had gotten paler and paler. Weed widened her eyes to the max as she watched her own husband die. With a yell, Auklet snapped his neck with frustration. The carcass plopped on the floor as the other dragons watched in silence.

"Now," Auklet said, she and Anemone both turned to Weed. "Tell us the location of Moray, and I might just spare you."
"Its-" the horrified Seawing said, her stripes flashing weakly. She looked down at her husband and muttered. "She's in the location of Jade Mountain. She's trying to revive Darkstalker to make him her servant and get all the thrones of Phyrria." The crowd gasped and Anemone smiled.
"Well then we get her first," she said. "Let's kill that phyco."

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