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"Deathbringer, do you hear that?" Glory asked, bumping into him as they flew back toward the rainforest. They had finally decided to come back after three days of vacation and simply relaxation. She turned to a light peach and frowned at him.
He turned his head to her and perked his ears. "It sounds like. . . rumbling," he frowned back. "Let's go there and listen. It is strongest there." He swerved left and landed on a small grassland and flicked his tail. She landed right beside him and turned to orange.
"Honestly," she growled, bending her head. "What is-" Deathbringer hushed her and sharply looked to his right.
"The heck?" He wondered and started walking away from his wife. He flicked his tail again and yelped.
"What! What?" Glory yelped along with him and hurried to his side. "WHAA?!"
       In the horizon, was a great shimmer, crushing trees and over taking the forests beyond the Kingdom of the Sea. Yellow sand was getting covered in brown water, reaching toward the grass beyond. It was a great flood, seeping over the brown mud in the Mud Kingdom, and Glory and Deathbringer both could hear the horrible screams of dying dragons. From their view in the Dimond Spray Delta, it was horrible, and they would need to fly soon before they too, would be covered and buried alive.
"Hyacinth!" Glory suddenly remembered and bolted into the sky. "The Rainwing villages! The Nightwings!" Deathbringer bolted after her, lashing his tail to give momentum and raising the throne ridge along his back in alarm.

       After three hours of an exhausting yet determined flight, they got to the Rainforest quickly. Flooding had already began in some parts and Glory could see animals and insects scrambling up trees to get to higher ground. Sloths were covered in insects trying to get safe. Others didn't have it so great, and was just floating down the small rivers leading toward the rest of the forest.
       Deathbringer overshot her, causing a massive woosh in the air. He flicked his tail to make Glory hurry up, and she did, flying above him and dodging between the tangled trees.
"Clear the way!" Glory shouted when she first caught sight of the first dragons. They looked at her puzzled and squinted. "There is a flood and it is coming our way! You! Go get me Grandeur! I need everyone to high ground IMMEDIATELY!" Ten dragons bolted out of her way and did their chores. Almost a moment later, Rainwings were running all over the place and grabbing everything they possibly could.
"I'll warn the Nightwings," Deathbringer growled and turned to fly the other way.
"Mother-" Hyacinth suddenly popped up with something furry on her back, but Glory paid no attention to it.
"We need to go before the flood comes," Glory ordered. "Go get your stuff-" She stopped mid sentence and looked behind her. Brown crashing waves were weaving their way through the vines and trees were starting to fall down. A dragonet yelled and ducked with his wings over his head.
"Oh my gosh!" Hyacinth cried. "We're going to die!" Her eyes widened and she winced. The something that was on her back turned out to be a scavenger, banging its fists into her back.
"SQUERRTLE SLOOP!" the scavenger cried. Hyacinth turned to look at it with a empathetic expression.
"What?" Glory muttered. She shook her head and could honestly NOT deal with her DAUGHTER right now and a SCAVENGER amongst her midst. "Just get your things, we are leaving now."
"Alright," Hyacinth obeyed and flapped off toward the pavilion, where she snuck inside.
       Glory turned around and saw about one hundred Rainwings looking completely horrified and holding dragonets she was sure wasn't even theirs. "We are leaving temporarily until the flood dies down and we could move back in." She turned anxiously and saw that the water was rising toward their level. She really hoped Deathbringer managed to get all the Nightwings out safely.
"Where are we going?" A small dragonet whimpered and then all the dragons looked at her.
"I don't know, but I do know that we can't stay here. The Mudwings are facing the same thing, and I think they might be moving as well," she explained, turning a shade of loyal indigo. The dragons murmured and turned pale shades of green and lime with unease but didn't argue.
"Glory," said Deathbringer from behind her, and he grabbed her waist to pull her into him. She blushed and tried to shove him away. "The Nightwings are already flying and are awaiting your sincere instruction of assignment and assistance," he smirked.
"Good. Where is Hyacinth?" She asked. He shrugged and said he'll take care of her dragons and get them ready to fly while Glory goes.
       Glory went toward the pavilion where she saw Hyacinth go and ducked inside, just to see her and her scavenger sitting around a blanket with a disgruntled scavenger in the middle. The scavenger squawked and sat up right, but the first scavenger stopped him and he sat back down.
"Hyacinth. ." Glory started. Hyacinth was playing with a vine, spoke a word into it, and then it turned into a small necklace. She looked up and saw her mother deep with fear and quickly hid her sorcery. "You are an animus. . aren't you?"
"I know this isn't the right time," she cried. "But this scavenger, Dove, wanted me to get her boyfriend and I did so-"
"You do realize the consequences of animuses, don't you?"
"I do. ." Hyacinth obeyed. She looked directly in her mother's eyes. "I'll only use it for good, I promise. I don't want to be forced to use my powers like some of the animuses in the scrolls." Glory nodded and put a wing around her. The female scavenger made an affectionate noise.
"Good," Glory answered after a while. "Come, we need to go now." Hyacinth nodded and rested the two scavengers in a small bag and put it on her shoulder. Glory smiled as she saw how mature and responsible her daughter had became after a month her brothers had left.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now