Chapter 7: Battle of Innocence

Start from the beginning

"That makes no sense! Didn't she grow up with that other girl since their sisters? Did she just not notice her sister is a decade younger than her?" Nova kept going on while cleaning her Coruscant Crusties bowl.

"No, no, that's her cousin. You're thinking of Sharon." Nova rolled her eyes and put the bowl in its collective cabinet.

"Well excuse me for getting Sharon mixed up with Cheryll. That's totally not confusing at all." It didn't help Nova that humans all looked the same to her. Especially these two humans who had dark brown hair, pale skin and green eyes. What other defining features were there for humans? Nova couldn't think of any. A couple minutes later Aurora came bouncing back into the room.

"Hey. You look less stressed already. Something good happen?" Nova inquired, putting away the last of the cutlery. She washed out the sink and ran the disposal to clear it of any food before me giving her full attention to Aurora.

"Riyo just told me why she's returned. Also there's no need to make lunch because she won't be staying for long, but I do need to find her wintertime apparel." Aurora tried to run into her bedroom to look for clothes prepared for the cold climate. She found clothes for Lyra easy enough since they were around the same size and height, but Nova was too short and small to fit into anything from her closet.

"Rory what the hell are you doing?" Nova asked, eyeing the clothes actively being thrown onto the bed and floor.

"Looks like you'll have to borrow Riyo's clothes. She's short like you."

"Hey." Nova said. Her height was one of the main things she was subconscious about when it came to her appearance.

"What is all this about anyway? What are you looking for?" Aurora dug around in the closet a little deeper. Her voice was muffled by all the layers of clothes she was behind.

"Riyo is back to investigate some incident on Pantora's moon, and she invited the three of us to come along." Nova gave her a look that spoke volumes.

"Yes, I told her about you two. But I didn't tell her you two were Separatists. Just keep your things covered." She motioned to Nova's wrist. Nova didn't even realize she was scratching at it until she glanced down.

It had became a guilty habit of hers that's hard to shake, especially since she has such sensitive skin it often irritates her in the middle of the night and random moments in the day. The brand was a part of her now. She wore anything to keep it covered at all times, even fell asleep with a glove on so she didn't have to look at it while trying to sleep.

"Well, will anybody else be there? Anybody from the Republic? Any troopers?" Aurora shook her head as she handed Nova different pieces of clothing.

"Riyo only mentioned the Chairman going with us, no one else. Should be safe for you two." Aurora finished off the pile with a traditional Pantoran scarf with the royal markings around the neckline.

"Give that to Lyra, would you?" Nova tossed it at the girl who didn't even see the incoming t clothes pile being hurdled towards her.

"Hey! What the hell is this?" Lyra asked while inspecting the clothes with a scowl on her face.

"Clothes. Put them on, we're taking a trip to Pantora's moon." Lyra mindlessly nodded along and muttered a few words of agreement after getting back to her holovid. When Nova went back to the bedroom Aurora was already changed into her perfectly fitting winter outfit. There was a knock at the door.

"Lyra get the door!" Aurora yelled, squeezing the scarf around her neck.

"Lyra!" Nova yelled. No response was given except a second knock at the door. Aurora groaned and went to open it herself. It was another hand aided of Riyo's whose job it was to stay behind and monitor the palace space.

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