Chapter 6: Palace Life

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, none of that is happening." Lyra rolled her eyes and sat up more on the bed, agitated when cushy pillows behind her made her bend weirdly. She reached behind her back and threw the pillows to the doorway where Aurora stood concerned with two plates of food in her hands.

"Hungry?" She asked with sheepish grin, now thinking hunger may be the last thing on their minds.

"What's wrong?" Aurora asked as she set Nova's down on the nightstand beside her. Aurora sat on the other side of the bed while holding Lyra's plate of food for her.

"You're dumbass droid just told me I need kriffing surgery." Aurora was caught wildly off guard by the use of such language in such a prestigious place, but decided to leave that battle for another time.

"Well, if that's what it takes. Why not?" Aurora asked. Lyra was about to blow up at her, but she had to remind herself Aurora knew next to nothing about the two of them. Yet she still took them under wing and invited them into her palace with no questions asked.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't do that. Isn't there some other way to heal it?" Lyra asked the droid.

"There are alternate methods we could try, but none of them will be as quick or effective as the recommended treatment." Lyra sighed, not seeing any way around this anymore. Aurora held up her tray of delicious smelling food.

"Where's your food?" Nova asked her.

"Oh, I try not to eat too much. Besides, I had a late lunch with my friend." Nova shrugged, not yet understanding what the concept of a lie is yet. Lyra saw right through it though. She didn't bring it up again, but knew there was more to it than just being full already.

"Back to what really matters. If this surgery is what needs to happen for your leg to be better, I see no reason to not do it. Do you?" Nova asked Lyra. She knew there may be a specific reason she wasn't okay with it that had to do with Dooku's past treatment of her health.

"I... suppose not. But on two conditions." Aurora grinned broadly as she set the plate down on the other nightstand.

"Name it."

"I'm not being put under for it. Just give me some meds and let me stay awake and watch what's happening, okay?" Aurora nodded, motioning for her next demand.

"And secondly, get a real person to do the surgery please. Someone whose name isn't Doomsday." Aurora and Nova shared a good chuckle as the droid exclaimed.

"You got it. When would you like to have the surgery?"

"I guess tomorrow, if that's an option." Aurora smiled and handed her the plate and fork again.

"Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of everything for you." Lyra let out a heavy breath, trying to take in air was more complicated now than before this conversation.

"It'll be okay." Lyra nodded along with whatever Nova said. It was easy to tell Nova wasn't helping her relax at all.

"Would you feel better if I was there?"

"Yes!" Nova was startled by how quickly she answered. Nova found it refreshing to actually be wanted by somebody. Somebody who didn't shock her with lightning to make her lift weird rocks, that is.

"Yes, that would be greatly appreciated. Just in case I pass out." Lyra's pain tolerance is unlike anything Aurora or that droid could possibly imagine. She has been through so much by Count Dooku and his mindless droids, this procedure won't be much to her. Or at least that's what she keeps telling herself.


Last night after dinner, Aurora had another hour long debate for what the sleeping arrangement would be. She finally convinced Lyra to stay on the bed and keep her leg elevated. Nova had another 20+ minute polite argument about who should take the next best thing: the couch. It ended with Aurora having to threaten Nova, but she eventually accepted defeat and slept on the couch.

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