Someone's hand shot up amongst the people in the crowd below, as the person then proceeded to walk out of the crowd with his hand still raised up.

The guy climbs the rock and stands before Glyscyra with a smirk.

"Pretty girl, don't you think it's quite a harsh condition you're putting yourself in by fighting and doing all that." He takes two steps towards her while she stands her ground.

"Pretty girls like you should be with prince charming like me, so why don't you get down from the platform wait for me to return from the gods field and let's go meet my parents." He stands directly in front of Glyscyra as he uses his hand to graze against her cheeks.

Glyscyra grabs his hand forcefully as she stares up at him, "that's a great idea. I'll deliver your body to your parents after I'm done with you."

A swift punch came out of nowhere and without obstruction it hit against the guys chin sending him into the air.

He was still in the air when Glyscyra expertly nocks her bow and fires at him, but his short period of stun was over and he parries it away with his dagger he was holding behind him.

He lands and skids back a bit but he controls his footing and runs at her. She was about to nock another arrow to shoot at him but she notices some secret weapons he was about to use, so she retracts her hand.

As he throws the tiny spikes at her, she was swift enough to block it all by swirling her arrow at high speeds. After deflecting all the spikes, she realized he only used that to shorten the distance and advantage she had.

Without letting him to shorten it any further, she threw the arrow in her hand at him while pulling out three other arrows from her quiver.

She nocks all three at the same time. The guy had just deflected the one she threw at him, but as he looks up her sees three more coming at him from different angles.

He deflects the first one, but his hand can not move fast enough to block the second one so he tries his best to break his speed and sidestep, he dodges the arrow but the last one sinks into his thigh.

Seeing as the guy had tried his best to only take one hit rather than two, Glyscyra knew he would be currently out of breath and exhausted she nocks three arrows again, but as she pulls on the string the guy decisively throws his dagger at her.

With precision the dagger hits her left hand she used to hold the bow making her lose her grip on the bow and letting loose of the arrow before she took a perfect target.

All the three arrows flew at the guy but they were not close enough to hit him, and the most closest was only able to scratch his shoulder.

Pulling out the arrow in his thigh, he proceeded to bounce on his feet, springing up and down with his fist raised, then he motions for her to come.

Glyscyra glances at her bow that was on the ground a few feets from her. Then she as well took a stance and they both advance towards each other at high speeds.

Throwing a left hook, Glyscyra rotates her waist to the extreme. The guy blocks the punch just as she had predicted, and with her extremely twisted waist she uses the momentum to move her hips and then did a roundhouse kick.

The guy blocks it as well but his body sinks lower as he grits his teeth. Using one hand to still block the kick his other hand jabs at Glyscyra stomach, but she notices it on time and using her leg that is still on the ground, she jumps up.

Landing behind the guy she throws fast strikes at him but without turning back to block he squats down as he sweeps at her legs but she jumps before it hits her and she throws a power punch downwards at the guy.

Taking the hit to his jaw his vision blurs and sight shifts but he still threw a point blank kick that crashes against Glyscyra chest.

Her two peaks tries their best to absorb the force but she is still thrown back as she lands harshly on the ground.

Both of them stays a while on the ground. Glyscyra stands back up and tries to picks her bow that she fell beside, but a leg kicks the bow out of the way and then tried to stomp on her hand.

Rotating her leg, she propels herself into the air as she pulls out an arrow from her quiver, and as she lands behind him she places the arrow to his neck.

"You lose! It is a pity I won't be able to deliver your body to your parents, but next time you try that again, I promise you I will." Making her statement and irritation clear, Glyscyra picks up her bow as she excuses herself as she climbs down the rock and goes back to her teammates, that were ready to receive her boast as well.


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