Chapter 9

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Principal Banks looks tired as he darts to speak to me about Ed's situation.

"Edward has had a few tough years. Well. His life has been pretty tough since he was born, from the information that has been given to the school. His mother was only a teenager when she fell pregnant with Edward and her parents threw her out on the street because of it. His first few years he spent moving from place to place. Staying wherever his mother could find shelter for the night and work."

"When they moved here it was apparent he hadn't received much discipline or nurturing. And since his mother's passing Giles has been a wreck and unable to care for him and his younger brother." My heart hurts for both Ed and his mother. "We also believe he has ADHD or any other neurodivergent disorder, complicating his everyday life further."

"Yeah. I have my own fears that might be possible."

"Because of all this Edward is a hard child to manage. He fights with his peers, resists and disrespect teachers constantly and his impulsiveness has him taking dangerous decisions and acting differently from other children. But with an adult by his side, someone who only focuses on him and guides him, we hope everything around him will calm down."

"I will do my best." We talk some more about their expectations of me and what rules I can bend for Ed and what's not allowed even for me or him. By the time I finally make it back to the pack house the time is already half past ten.

I decided to unpack and make my room a little bit more homey. It doesn't take that long before I am done. Now the room at least feels somewhat like my own with. I have placed pictures of me, mom and John, of my best friend Tessa and a few other friends on side tables and taped a few to the mirror just inside the entrance.

I have strung up a few fairy lights in the bedroom window and the windows in the living area. On the couch I have draped the crocheted blanket my grandma made before she passed away. Every little detail makes the room more cozy and homey. I make sure not to put anything on the walls or any other surface that could be ruined. When I finally find my own place my disturbance in this room will be minimal.

I look around the room as I contemplate what I should do about the picture in my hand. It's a picture of my biological father. He was a difficult man. Stern and easily angered. He controlled mom and me with an iron fist. Mom was not allowed to go away from home without him, except to drop me off at school with the car. And if we did anything he deemed wrong the punishment would be severe.

I remember one time when I came home late from school when I was 10. He was so angry. He grabbed me by the hair and shook me. Then he locked me up in my room for the rest of the night and day, without food or water or even allowing me to use the bathroom. The next morning he found me with wet trousers since I had peed myself. That earned me a spanking. A very hard spanking. I was bruised for almost 2 weeks.

This is why I find possessive and controlling behavior to be scary and something I wish to avoid, so my attraction to Mr. Bleckbourne is really strange since he fits the bill. Eventually I decided to put the photograph of my father back in the box it came from.

After I'm done, I study. I watch one digital lecture, read and then start on a small essay about the book and lecture. But before I know it, it is time to leave so I can pick up Ed.

I arrive a few minutes before Ed's class is over so I stand outside and look at my phone. As I'm replying to one of my professors there is a nudge at my side. Ed stands next to me with a happy smile on his lips. His split lip from yesterday has split once again and he has some dried blood on his chin.

"Oh my god Ed! What happened?" I take his chin in my hand and lean down to take a closer look. There is some discoloration on his cheek and chin as well. His smile falls away immediately as he brushes me off and turns his face away with a pout.

"It's nothing. Can we go?"

"Is your class already over?"

"It doesn't matter." He mutters and starts for the exit. With a few quick steps I am beside him as we leave the school.

"Do you have any homework?"

"That doesn't matter. I'm too stupid to study." He crosses his arms over his chest. It is obvious that he's had a bad day and I let it go. We can start working on his schoolwork tomorrow when I will be with him all day, and get paid for it.

"Okay. Will you show me around town then? I never had a chance to explore yesterday and today I have been studying all day!" I give an exaggerated sigh as if I'm exhausted from my studies but Ed squirms uncomfortably beside me.

"I don't know."

"Why not?"

"The other kids sometimes go into town and the adults don't like me." He mutters. I stop dead in my tracks and stare at him with my jaw hanging open. He stops and turns to look at me. His shoulders are slumped and he only looks up at me through his eyelashes. Shame. His whole body language screams of shame.

"Well. I don't care about the adults. And you're with me now, right? So you don't have to care either." I smile at him but he squirms uncomfortably. "I was thinking of getting something good, like ice cream or maybe a doughnut. Do you like treats like that?" He nods his head hesitantly and I grin at him. "Then let's go get something sweet!" I hook my arm through his and drag his reluctant form along.


What might have happened to Ed during class? And Ashley's father sounds like an abusive ass. Let us hope that Mr. Bleckbourne isn't abusive as well.

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