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Andril was shocked by knowing about Ranjeev and She called Ranjeev and talked with him saying Thank You for helping her and Sorry for what happened today morning. She also said that she was not interested in marriage but not about Ranjeev. By hearing that Ranjeev was shocked.

Andril p.o.v.,

After I said to him that I was interested in him. He was shocked and even I too. He asked me " What you said?." I said " No, I didn't say anything and smile and told okay Ranjeev I am hanging up the call now. Because I need to take medicine."

He said " Okay. Take Care."

After cut the call I took a long breath and think that why I told him like that?. Whether I am really interest in him. I don't know clearly . Am I started to develop a feeling for him?. Andril you are such a stupid. Keep quiet and sleep. Tomorrow you shave to go to work.

I slept and woke up next morning and checked my mobile. There is a message from Ranjeev " How are you?. Are you feeling good?."

I saw his message and smiling like a stupid and I replied him " I am all good. I am going to work."

He said " Why are you going to work?. Take rest for 2 days."

I said " No problem. I can manage."

He said " As your wish."

Then I was getting ready. My mom came and asked me " Andril, what do you think about Ranjeev?."

I said " He is a nice guy."

My mom smiled and told my dad that " Andril said okay to marry Ranjeev."

I was shocked and asked my mom " Mom, when I said I am going to marry Ranjeev."

She said " Andril, we already selected him for you. And now you itself told that he is a nice guy. Then what is the problem?."

I said " Mom no mom I don't want to get marry now. I will marry Ranjeev after 2 or 3 years."

She said " No Andril, this is the right age to marry."

I asked " Why mom?."

My dad said " Andril listen to your mom." After he said to my mom " call  Ranjeev's family and say okay to this marriage. or else Andril listen if you don't want to marry him. Then We will see someother guy and get married to him."

I thought atleast Ranjeev is a person I know a litttle bit. So its better to marry Ranjeev than marry a complete stranger.

After my mom called and said " Andril agreed to marry Ranjeev."

His mom was happy to hear that. She said " Okay. We will select an Engagement date."

I was standing silently and don't know have anything to say.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

When I was getting ready to my work. My mom came happily to my room and said " Andril said that she agreed to marry you. And we are going to select an Engagement date for you."

After she left the room and I was so confused. Yesterday only she said that she was not interested in marriage. But how today she said okay to marry me.

I called her . She attend the call. I asked her " What happened to you?. Yesterday you said that you are not interested in marriage but today you agreed?"

She was silent for a minute and said " Ranjeev in my house they are already selected you. And they are not listening to me. They said if I am not marrying you. They will select another boy and ask me to get marry. So I think that Ranjeev I am going to do only Arrange marriage. In that case we may not know eachother much but atleast we know eachother little bit and you are not a complete stranger to me."

I asked her " Okay. Are you interested in marrying me ?."

She said " Yes. We spent half of the day together. We both talked with eachother and I think You are Okay for me. So, I am okay to marry You."

I was silent. Then she asked " Are you interested in marrying me?."

I said " Yes. I don't have any problem to marry you."

I smiled and I can sense that she also smiled.

Then we hang up the call. 

As days goes we both talk very little bit each day. My parents and her parents are busy in selecting Our Engagement date. They all are busy in their shopping .

There comes Our Engagement day,

My family was getting ready to go to Andril house. We reached there. We both feel shy to look at eachother. They all discussed about our marriage and fixed the date.

We both get a chance to talk with eachother alone for 5 minutes. We both went to the terrace. We both are smiling at eachother and feeling shy to talk with eachother. We both looking at eachother who starts first.

I told her " Wait. I have one thing for you."

Then I put my hand inside the pocket. She was quietly looking at me.

( Guys, Are you all Happy about Andril and Ranjeev Engagement. What do you think Ranjeev will give to Andril?." Do comment. Lets see what will happen in The Next Chapter....)

I Hope You Like Reading This Story....

Let's meet in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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