Chapter 8(during first episode of tournament of Elements)

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      Such beautiful evenings New Ninjago City,Sunsets light was dancing through buildings,leaving trails mixed with Cities own lights from windows and cars and neon signs,leaving shadow almost no place to be.Even Car noises weren't that annoying as usual.Having a walk today would be pleasant for anyone.But not for Ninjagos most beloved Ninja who was having feeling rather annoyed by all this on top of location he was heading for against his own will.

       Making promise to Lloyd Wasnt his choice of heart:He might be green ninja,gold ninja,golden dragon warrior,any title he can be,But for Jay he still was a green gremlin of little brother who would be able to blackmail him about his new Girlfriend.In Jays situation ,Clean status of his name was first matter,Especially after Love triangle being Loudest Scandal among Ninjagos celebrities.

     It wasn't hard to step forward.Hard part wasn't even Lloyd,Hard part was meeting faces of those who he was about to meet.He isn't sure what was with others besides from what Lloyd said,even thought he doesn't believe about Nya missing him.Hed rather believe Lloyd is too naive for his age to read Nya.Entering the restaurant Of Chens Noodles,Air became even thicker once His eyes found Green,black and red colors sitting at one table.

     Three pairs of eyes caught Sight of Blue showman Ninja:green child Ones with hopes to reunite family,Hazel orange ones with nothing but blind carelessness...and black ones...they looked rather hateful and mocking.As if it's fault of Blue Ninja.

-Jay! Glad you came.Sit with me,-waved green ninja at him

     Jay walked as calmly as possible and sat next to Lloyd.But it meant to sit direct against Black Ninja.Table already felt full of tension without him,but now Jay sits,and now Air is thick enough to cut it with knife.Great.what a way to start conversation with "brothers" you haven't seen in almost half year without a try to contact one another.

-well,whole brotherhood is here,- Lloyd tried to make it sound kinder than it was,-Thanks for coming,everyone,I hope you guys understands why I invited you all here...?

-so you can whine about reuniting ninjas again,yeah yeah,you whined both my years back in home,-Kai voice sounded not sober enough:

-so it means Kai stayed with you?,-Cole questioned,looking at rather not flaming Ninja of fire,-You till have one brother then,no?

-it's not about if someone stayed,it's about who left...-Lloyd was hurt by Cole's words,even if he tried to play adult as before.

   On words "who left" Cole looked at Last one who came to table:Making him the only one "who left" behind.As if he was one of reasons Team split up after Zane's death...This feeling stung Jay like a nail.He collected all courage he had to come and face team he left first and this is first thing His supposed best friend does??Lightning Ninja can be anything,but first of all he is man of his word.And man of his word won't stand there ,letting Ninja of earth pour dirt on him:

-lloyd,allow to fix your words
-what you mean,Jay?
-I'd rather think this is about what made team split:Zane was a glue of our family,true,But when he died,I knew you and Kai and other were only family left for me...

   While lightning master tried to sting man of black heart back,with same indirect language,Lloyds eyes were full of hope:Little guy heard words as "I want family back too" and it soften his heart and even melt the tension,even for Kai:

-you took second part out of my tongue,not gonna lie,-Even his voice sobered up,maybe just a little,but still it was another spark in Lloyds Eyes,-But I guess it's not main part you wanted to say,right?,-Kai was smart when it about to explosive tension and noticed how his Ex brothers looked at each other:he understood it smells like kerosine:

-I don't want to make a conflict on very first time we met in long time,I am better person,-Jay could swear he put all salt he could into his tone.

Lloyd looked at Him and then as Cole:
-guys,it would be better if tried to stay as family,Throw away conflicts,you know?My dad and Uncle been rivals and enemies for first master knows how long and they are just fine now,right,Kai?

-Lloyd,-he put his hand on Lloyd,while moving his eyes from Other brother to him and back,-you are green ninja,golden dragon master and other titles,but you're still kid...sometimes a conflict is not fixable
Lloyd looked at Cole and Jay:

-can't you guys just say sorry to each other?it snot that hard,right?

Blue Ninja didn't want to look at Lloyd with petty ,no matter how childish his suggestion was:

-Lloyd,if anything...I don't owe anything,especially to him

He pointed at Cole ,not wanting to face him,that's how disgusted he is:
Cole faced him directly,daring to face him,dare Jay accepted without liking it:

-Especially you,Cole
-Ooooooh,so I owe you an apology??Sure,I am sorry that you can't face that Nya chose me over you,cause you are an excuse of ninja-

Rage of Blue ninja Was ready to Boil up with each word escaping Cole's word:
-Cole,Please,-Lloyd wanted to interrupt him

-no no no,let me finish ,Lloyd,-he gave Lloyd glance before facing Jay back,-you are EXCUSE of ninja,You were lucky to be born with Lightning powers.If not them,you would be nothing!

Jays face showed cold stare and slight disgust,but his mind and eyes were showing that want to be thrown:

-Cole!Dont say that!-Lloyd protested
-Cole,cool down,You crossing the line,-Kai supported Green Ninja,-we haven't seen each other in while,Don't pour salt on old wound,man little alcohol couch escaped Fire Ninja:

-I don't care,if he wants an apology,I apologize for being better ninja he ever will be-
That was a moment before Cole's shirt was held by Jays hand across the table,Blue Ninjas cold stare told everything:

-better ninja,maybe,but you are much worse brother,GIRL STEALER-

Before those could start anything,group of people that looked like gang members with their piercings and purple snake tattooes all over the face and hands walked towards them:

-you must be ninjas,right?
Jay dropped part of coles shirt,and gave Cole a glance of "we talk later",then along with Lloyd and Kai faced the men.

-if we are,what you need?

    Group of men silently handed those convertand left as silently as they approached:
Convert had colors of red with Ourple snakes swirling around,As if they preparing to attack seal with mini warrior sculpted in it.

    Group was between shock and surprise when witnessing convert Lloyd held.
He looked at Kai questioning,and after getting approval nod,opened convert to witness two papers.

    First Lloyd pulled out was Ancient looking paper with hand ink painted portrait of Zane.

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