Chapter 2(between 3rd and 4th season)

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Nya POV:

I was in my room.I had no interest in watching him pack his things,He will just regret his actions,he just needs time to realize that...To understand how selfish it is to leave your found family grieving.To leave when I am still not giving answer...he took away my right of's a betrayal,How dare Jay leave me like that...It's such betrayal,BETRAYAL,BETRAYAL-

-Jay,please,if not for us,but at least for Zane,he wouldn't want this

-He is not here Anymore,Lloyd.I miss him too,bud,but I need my own space...I am not welcome here anyway

Threw the walls of bounty,I was able to hear their late evening dialogue.Everyone were saying their final goodbyes,Not me and Cole tho,Cole told he will be "somewhere doing stuff".I wish I was with Cole right now.I hate hearing Jay leaving-Cause he puts himself too above his own family.It's just we are found family,we built our found Family.And now he wants to destroy what's stays fragile.

-Jay,i hope the journey you go through will bring you to your bright path

-Thank you,sensei.

I could hear him jumping off the bounty to street of Ninjago Cities outskirts.He is leaving so easily...Doesn't he feel anything?doesn't he feel guilty?he should stay,he just understand we must stand as team...ninjago needs him!
The team Needs him...I...I...I don't want his stupid excuses,He is just making it about himself!
Sooner or later,Everyone would get over it.Ninjago citizens life gets more normal and normal,Eventually only our team is left grieving over Zane...Or at least it's what Lloyd and I believe in...

Now there is almost only me and him on bounty.Sensei Wu and sensei Garmadon are more in themselves rather than in life,probably trusting us handling this ourselves,
Kais alcohol problems getting worse,and I barely get to see him.Attempts to find Cole or at least trace of him were useless,as much as we know from his dad,he went into forests...and Jay...

We haven't got any info about him,I called his parents,who also didn't know much,only that he called him few times this week to assure them he eats vegetables.
Kai wasn't sober enough to care,Sensei was sure it's better to leave Jay like that,All alone somewhere...he could be here,with his friends,or at least stay with his parents,but he is nowhere found now...,it can't be,Jay might be clumsy,Tricky or sarcastically lanky,but he is not weak.He always been strong his own way,That's whole him,Whenever he does,he does it is own way...
I just wonder if leaving team is one of his own ways,Which can't be true.He was like a glue,whenever happens ,he is one to improvise or light the atmosphere in team-UGH,why I still think about him?i should focus on helping Lloyd or getting Kai to visit anonymous alcoholic club.

I was in my room,sorting my stuff by ones to keep or ones to throw away.It was better getting exhausting after listening to Kai's complains or Lloyds fear talks,I wanted some time for myself.Searching threw boxes full of mech details,I noticed most of them weren't mine.Especially ones I didn't understood what were even Made for.

Definitely Jays.Even blueprints he makes are either too bad drawn or strict made.I know he will cool down and get back,so I put them organized into boxes I will put into lower level of bounty.No way I am keeping his stuff in my samurai X Cave.Plus when he comes back,he will deal with moving boxes himself.

There as also few things Lloyd brought in box to me,cause he didn't know what to do with them.It was from Jays room.He just said he is there for me if it's needed.Poor Kid,His super hero syndrome is kicking harder since he left the team.Right after I finished with Jays scrap parts and blueprints,I started with box Lloyd Brought. I guess He kept Jays comics and posters of Starfaver,since I found none in box.I didn't know what to do with them,Lloyd already took what he wanted to keep for himself,Kai isn't interested in any of it,and I certainly wouldn't want his stuff in my room.

But I kept sorting things:action figures,video games,some cute ties...
and the scarf from our first date.Old and comfy,it was lying in bottom of box.And of course not put right way.Jay sure needs to learn to keep his room clean.I tried to undo the scarf to put it right,and noticed it had something inside,like Scarf as used to wrap it.
I opened it and there was that exact photo:Me and Jay,before gates of mega Monster amusement park,I lean to him while he has his silly smile,with those deep blue hypnotizing eyes and his hand holding me by my waist.

I held the photo,moving my fingers on its surface,feeling the texture of Polaroid photo...No,You can't be that cry baby,Nya.If Jay really loves you,he will get to you and apologize.Until that,No need to stab your heart with sweet,kind,lovely...memories...

I'll keep his scarf and photos separately...just so if he will need it,he can find it immediately.

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