26. "Love it's ok"

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Ellie's POV

I just landed in LA, I haven't been here since before the release of 'Take Control'. Im hurting for Addie right now. I know she needs me right now. I need to get to here as soon as possible. I texted Matt when I landed, I'm waiting for my bag at baggage claim. I finally see my bag and I grab it off the conveyor belt and start making my way to the front of the airport. I'm looking around trying to find Matt and I finally see him after searching aimlessly for a few seconds. I pick up my pace so I can get to Matt faster. I finally get to him and I give him a big hug. I start breathing heavy because I'm scared about Addie.

"Love it's ok, We'll get you to Addie's soon, she's ok" I hear Matt say to me. I let go of him and just look at him. After a bit I nod and he grabs my bag and we start heading to his car. I need to see Addie. I can't think of anything else but her. Matt opens the passenger door for me, I get into the car and smile at him. Matt walks around the the driver side and opens his door. He gets and buckles his seatbelt. He turns to me "Are you ready?" I can't even speak. I'm terrified, all I can do is just nod. Matt starts the car and drives to Addie's house.

We finally make it to Adeline's house and it's dark and gloomy. You can almost feel her emotions radiating from her house. I just stare at her house before I get ready to get out. I have no idea what to expect here. This is new territory I'm looking at. "Do you want me to go with you?" I finally hear from Matt, it snaps me out of my thoughts. "No, Addie needs her best friend only right now" "I get that, text me if anything happens ok? I love you." "I love you too Matt." He pulls me into a hug and holds me for a second, he lets go and gives me a kiss. I open my door and get my bag. I look at Matt one more time before I close my door and start walking towards Addie's home.

It's so quiet, it's like all the happiness has been stripped from her home. I get to her door and turn around, Matts waiting to make sure I make it inside. I turn back around and take a deep breath before knocking on her door. It's 4:30 am, I highly doubt she'll be awake right now. "Guys please go away, I don't want to talk to y'all" I faintly hear coming from behind the door. It's Addie, she probably thinks I'm the triplets. "Ads, it's me Ellie. can you open the door please?" I finish my sentence and it's followed by silence.

I wait a few seconds and still nothing. I turn to walk away but I hear a click from her door. "Els?" I turn around and see someone at the door. It's Adeline, she looks so different though. Her eyes are puffy, her hair is in a messy bun, She has dark circles under her eyes, she looks unwell. I immediately start crying and just look at her "Addie. what happened?" I say as I hug her. As soon as she's in my arms she starts bawling her eyes out. Oh god, what happened to her. Who did this to her? She lets go and gets out of the doorway to let me in. I grab my bag and head inside, I close the door behind me. I hear Matt's car drive away.

"Els why are you here?" Addie says with her arms across her chest trying to hide herself from the world and me. "I needed to see you Addie, you haven't been answering any of my calls or texts. I've been worried sick about you." "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." She's lying through her teeth. She knows I know her better than anyone on this earth. "Addie what is going on with you? why are you shutting me out?" "I'm not." "yes you are Adeline, you didn't call or text me for weeks, you dropped an album without telling anyone. You wont even eat for fuck sake." "I'm fine." She's hiding something huge from me. That's the only reason why she isn't talking to me right now. "Addie please just tell me what happened."

Just like that, she cracked. She broke and she finally told me.

"FINE YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW SO FUCKING BAD ELIANA? STEPHEN STOOD ME UP AND SAID HE COULDN'T BE WITH ME. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR? IM MISERABLE, IM WEAK, IM WORTHLESS." she yells as she falls onto the ground and just cries her heart out. I've never seen her this upset before, this broken. I stand there in shock and utter disbelief. I run over and hug my best friend who's on the floor shaking and crying. "how could he do this is me?" I continue to hug her and silently cry. "It's not your fault Adeline I promise." "he didn't want me. how could I be so stupid?" "Your not stupid ads."

It's worse than I thought, her whole world got flipped upside down. I can't even begin to imagine how she feels right now. "I'm so sorry Addie, I can't believe this happened to you. It's his fault that he couldn't see how sweet and kind you are." Addie is in my arms just trying to calm herself down. This is making my stomach hurt. I hate seeing her like this. It kills me, I don't know how to help her in this situation. "I'm sorry I was ignoring you and the boys. I just couldn't talk to y'all knowing that I was dealing with this."

"It's ok Addie, I'm here now and that's all that matters ok? I'm going to be with you through this. you don't have to do it alone anymore." Addie looks up at me and I finally see her smile for the first time in a few weeks. "Thank you for coming down here Ellie, I've been drowning here alone." "You know I'd do anything for you." I get up off of the floor and reach my hands down to Addie to help her up. She takes my hands and I slowly lift her off the ground. "Do you have anything to eat here?" I walk into her kitchen, I need her to eat some. "Uh I have stuff to make breakfast I think. I don't know what I have honestly."

I look around for a bit and I see stuff for French toast. Her comfort food, this is perfect. "I'm gonna make you some French toast ok? you go to the living room and lay down." Addie nods and heads to her living room. I hate being so far away from her. I need to be closer to her. Whether that's buying an apartment out here or moving in with Adeline, I can't be so far away from her when she has moments like these. I need to talk to her about moving in with her.

I finish making Addie her breakfast and I give her a small amount so that her body isn't overwhelmed. I put her food and my food now plates. I pick up the plates of food and walk over to Addie. "Here you go ads. I made your favorite" "Thanks Els." Addie sits up a bit to eat her food. She already looks in better spirits.

"I wrote some more songs. There about Stephen." Oh my god, this is worse than I thought. Poor girl can't get her mind off of him. "Can I hear them?" "Oh uh yeah, it's very raw and emotional though." I nod and Addie pulls out her computer. "This one is called traitor." I'm mentally preparing myself to hear this song. She clicked her computer and I hear a beautiful beat playing along with Addies vocals

"Brown guilty eyes and little white lies
Yeah I played dumb but I almost knew
That you talked to her maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you

ain't it funny
how you ran to her
the second that we called it quits?

And ain't it funny
How you said you were friends?
Now it sure as hell don't look like it

You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt yeah,
You'd talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worst
But that didn't matter"

Addie hits pause on her computer and I'm in utter shock, This girl is so broken. I start crying "Addie I never realized you felt like that." "It's my fault els. I never told you" "I'm so sorry ads." I get up off the couch and give her a big hug.

Authors Note

Addie's other song will be next chapter

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