3. "Your voice is absolutely breathtaking"

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Stephen Sanchez tagged me on his story. I opened his story to see my cover of his song with text saying, "check your DM's :)"

stephensanchezoffical liked your post
stephensanchezoffical started following you
stephensanchezoffical sent you a DM

Oh my god, holy shit, is this actually happening right now? Stephen Sanchez sent me a DM?!?! I fell silent as I try to process what happened. Everything is quiet and I'm just staring at my phone with tears in my eyes

All of a sudden I hear voices

Ellie: ADS HELLO?!?!
Matt: Adeline, what happened?
Nick: Girl, are you good?

Hey guys, um..... Stephen just sent me a DM.

Ellie: ADS WHAT? Stephen Sanchez?!?! like the Stephen Sanchez?!?! sent you a DM?!?!

Yes Ellie, I think im dreaming

Nick: Well answer it you goof
Matt: yeah Adeline answer it.

Bro Matt, chill with the "Adeline" it makes me uncomfortable.

Matt: your name makes you uncomfortable??

Shut up you goof, you could call me anything else.

Matt: I like Adeline, and go answer your future boyfriend

Dont fuel my delusion Matt

Matt: Ok Adeline
Ellie: ok ads I have to go but tell me EVERYTHING
Nick: I have to go too girly
Chris: same here Addie

Bye y'all

I sat there contemplating for a bit. Should I open it? Should I just leave him on delivered? what if he's telling me that my cover sucks. I finally built up the courage to open it.

Instagram Dm: Stephen Sanchez
(Italic is Stephen, bold is Adeline)

stephensanchezoffical: Hey Adeline! I heard your cover of my song, your voice is absolutely breathtaking. are you coming to a show by any chance?

addie.mon: Omg hi! I'm such a huge fan of you. I can't believe you like my cover. Me and my best friend Ellie are going to
your show next Tuesday in LA

stephensanchezoffical: That's amazing, I'd love to upgrade y'all's tickets to VIP if that's ok with you? I want you and your friend to have the best experience ever.

addie.mon: yes that would be amazing, thank you so much! I love your music so much. you have truly changed my life with your music. Angel Face is such an amazing album. I can't wait to see it in person

stephensanchezoffical: Aw Im so glad you like the album so much. This album means the world to me. I will send you and your friend your new tickets as soon as I talk to my manager. See you soon Adeline :)

addie.mon: Thank you so much Stephen!! I can't believe how kind you are.

Holy shit, I can't believe that actually happened. Stephen Sanchez just upgraded me and Ellie's tickets. I'm so excited I don't even know what to do right now. I just had a conversation with the Stephen Sanchez. I might have a panic attack I'm so excited. I quickly leave Instagram and started screaming. I jump to my computer, turned it on and checked my YouTube. The video was now at 100k views, 50k likes and 12k comments. I scroll through the comments and see the Stephen commented. His comment said "Wow darling, your voice is angelic. Check your DM's and we can talk more." I actually couldn't believe my eyes. Stephen Sanchez actually knows who I am. This is insane.

I keep looking at the comment and I hear my phone ding. I picked up my phone and see a text from Chris.

Text Messages: Chrissy Lou 🤍
(Bold is Adeline, Italic is Chris)

Addie! What happened with Stephen??

Hey Chrissy, oh my god so much happened. He offered to upgrade me and Ellie's tickets and he said that my voice was angelic and breathtaking!!!!

Holy shit Addie, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you.

Thanks Chris, ugh I'm so nervous about the concert. I have no clue what to wear. I need help 😭

I got you, when me, Matt and Nick come over tomorrow we'll help :)

awwww I love y'all so much 😭. I don't know what I'd do without y'all

We love you too Addie

End of Conversation

I absolutely love the triplets, they've been my best friends since I moved to LA. I was scared and nervous to be in a new city by myself and I first met Matt when I was walking around LA my first day. Matt later introduced me to Chris and Nick and I love them so much. Ellie came from Tennessee one day and I introduced her to the triplets. I knew immediately that she liked Matt. Later on they started dating and they've never been happier. I met them when I was 20 and I'm a year older than them. I finally look away from my phone and see that it's starting to get late. I warm up some leftover spaghetti and get in my bed and do the same routine as the previous night.

I rewatched the Angel Face Visual album again and as I'm watching it, I finally stop and think. "Stephen actually knows who I am." I feel like I'm going insane right now. My celebrity crush knows me. I have less than a week until I see him in person. My mind finally slows down from my crazy day and I drift off to sleep.

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