Chapter 11 - The curtains fall

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Author's note: Goodluck.

Days turned into weeks, and Al Haitham and Kaveh's relationship grew stronger than before. Moments should be treasured like this no? Al Haitham took it to heart, secretly taking photos with the kamera when the blonde wasn't watching. He wasn't like this with anyone, not after his grandmother's passing anyway

Currently, Al Haitham and Kaveh were sitting down together on the bed, mostly Kaveh's due to the comfort. It was quite cramped but it works, and both men didn't mind that

Cyno's words... It left the Scribe such an impact on him.

The blonde felt his own heart beating slowly, and steadily breathed in and out. He turned to Al Haitham, who was embraced in the moment, probably daydreaming

"Haitham.. what will you do if I suddenly die? We both have heart conditions but.. mine is more fatal."

The question caught Al Haitham from his thinking and faced the ex-Architect with a frown on his face

The silver haired man let out a slight gasp of surprise, and he was now feeling an extremely intense feeling of fear inside of his heart. He could suddenly feel his heart pounding intensely as he heard that tragic scenario from Kaveh

"Don't you dare say that, I would be devastated if you did pass away.. it would crush me completely.. "

"Oh Haitham... You need to understand.."

Kaveh looked away and took a peak at the other patients getting wheeled away from the ward, weak and fragile. Kaveh knew, death was coming to them. The blonde sighed heavily

"Maybe for you there's a tomorrow" Kaveh eyed the other patients in the ward

"But for some of us, there's only today."

Al Haitham stayed quiet for a few moments, as he looked at the blonde next to him for a few seconds. He was slowly processing the tragic reality that was being presented to him, and all the worries he had before were now fully returning to him as well.

"Well, that is true.. but I will never be able to accept it if it happens to you, my dearest..."

"Do I fight? Or live."

Kaveh asked, slowly dragging his hand to touch his chest where he felt his heart beating in irregular beats.

One beat, two. Turns to three, so on...

Al Haitham remained silent as he was struggling to come up with an answer for the question that Kaveh has come up with. He knew that the choice he had was to either go ahead and fight the situation, or live the limited time he had left. Both were extremely grim choices that the Scribe would not want Kaveh to be experiencing at all..

"It is your choice, but I hope you choose the first one. Either way, no matter what your decision is, I will be by your side supporting you the entire time..."

The blonde man smiled, and nodded at Al Haitham's answer. He leaned against the young man's shoulder and closed his eyes

"I love you Haitham.."

Al Haitham remained silent, but reciprocated the ex-Architect..


The next day, Al Haitham was busy reading a book which he left off. Kaveh on the other hand was playing with a mini hourglass Al Haitham bought for him recently in a small store

While the blonde was playing with it, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and felt the beats of his heart going crazy. He dropped the hourglass and it shattered on the floor, creating a loud impact which attracted everyone in the ward, including Al Haitham

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