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Trigger warning: self harm

This is Whalie speaking, the
author who is writing this book as well as the famous 'The Merman and the Scribe'

Hello, this is her. I have a lot of fun writing this book, and others as well even though it wasn't that popular. I didn't care because writing has always been my hobby. Writing is.. wonderful, and I'm so blessed by the readers who took their time to read even without voting, commenting or whatever. A read is enough.

I have been mentally unwell these few weeks ever since college started, and my problems at home are getting worse. Despite that, I took the time to update my readers. However, I couldn't take it anymore as my sanity was decreasing rapidly, to the point I tried hurting myself.

My girlfriend is trying her best to help me recover but I just kept quiet, not being able to think after cutting. I sincerely hope my readers won't look down on me after committing such sin.

I have come to my conclusion, I will be taking a break for god knows how long. It hurts to not be able to update this book for some time but I need the effort to recover my physical and mental health.

But just know, I will always be here for my readers. Once I'm back, I will post as much as I can! Because that is my job as an author no? I love you all, strangers or acquainted I don't care. You all matter to me :)

This will not be my last goodbye, I will return when I am healed.


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