Chapter 6 - The first kiss

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Author's note

I'm sorry for leaving for a while, I recently started college in engineering so I am very busy now. If you read my bio, I will be updating this book during the weekends!


Some hours later, Al Haitham awoke, feeling slightly refreshed from his nap. His first thought was to look over to Kaveh, only to find him busy writing something away. This only made him curious. He was curious as to what Kaveh was writing.

Kaveh was focused on his notepad, a pencil in between his mouth before continuing to write a few more notes

"Ah.. hm.."

Al Haitham's curiosity was now piqued, he sat up from his bed a bit just to catch Kaveh's attention. The notebook seemed like a personal one, as he doubted Kaveh would write about official things..

"What have you been writing?"

His eyes were focused on the notebook, as he was trying to read any sign of what the blonde was writing.

Kaveh was startled by Al Haitham's voice and immediately dropped the pencil on the floor. His heart skipped a beat, he breathed in and out, calming his heart down before any problems occurred. He reached down to grab the pencil and looked at Al Haitham with a stern look

"Haitham! You're not the only one having heart problems ya know?!"

Al Haitham chuckled softly, he couldn't help but find it entertaining that Kaveh's heart skipped a beat just at the sound of his voice. He found it all so adorable.

"Oh please, there's no need for you to get nervous.. but you never answered me?"

Al Haitham tilted his head, a light, small smile playing on his lips as he spoke. He raised his eyebrows curious as they both shared a look, where Al Haitham was waiting for an answer to his question.

"Ugh.. must I tell you?"

Kaveh groaned, he wasn't really sure why Al Haitham was so curious all of a sudden, that being said, he still told him what he wrote about

"I'm writing about love"

Al Haitham went completely silent as Kaveh answered, he was not expecting that at all. He could feel his heart beating fast again, as he began to wonder now what sort of thoughts the blonde had about love.

He sat up fully on the bed, leaning in for a better view of what the blonde wrote.. he was so curious, and he could feel butterflies in his stomach from excitement and anxiousness.

"Nu uh! You can't peek!"

Kaveh instantly pulled away his notepad out of Al Haitham's sight, a frustrated pout on his face

Al Haitham gave the blonde a playful smirk, he was trying to get the notepad back.. not that he needed to look into those notes but he was still curious.

"Come on, Just let me have a look at what you wrote, if it's about love then it can't be anything bad, right?"

He chuckled softly, trying to convince the blonde to let him see, he wanted to check out those notes of his. He found himself becoming all flustered and nervous again. His heart was beating faster once more.

Kaveh shook his head in denial again, not wanting to share his belongings with Al Haitham

"Kaveh.. please?" Al Haitham continued to beg the blonde, as he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He wanted to peek at the notes that the blonde wrote. He was even getting a bit jealous, why couldn't he just share it with him? Kaveh had him feeling so many mixed feelings in his heart now.

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