Chapter 8 - TCG madness

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Author's note

I'm sorry for not updating like during the weekends I was like AUGHH the entire day 💪


It was still midday in the hospital, and most of the patients here will either rest, talk with their loved ones, or do something productive. But a popular way to pass the time in this healthcare was playing TCG invocation, a room available whether booked or not, all patients are allowed to go in and play

Kaveh was thinking of playing a few rounds with Al Haitham anyway

"There's still time before dinner, how about a game of TCG invocation?"

Kaveh mentioned, pulling out his deck of cards

Al Haitham thought about it for a moment, and decided that would actually be fun. He had actually been meaning to try his hands at the game of TCG invocation, and what a better time than now?

"Sure, why not. Might as well take the chance to learn the game now."

He spoke with a bit of enthusiasm, and nodded his head in acceptance of the suggestion. It seemed like an interesting game, as he always saw people playing it all the time around the campus and even in the hospital ward.


They walked in the quiet space and found a table for themselves to book on. There are other patients here as well, playing with strangers, or their nurses in charge of them

The two men sat down, opposite from each other. The board in front of them lit up, with the elemental dice lighting up as well

Kaveh took out his best three character cards and placed them in front of him, smiling while doing so

Al Haitham was really curious about the game now, and he wanted to know just what it felt like actually playing it. As he sat down across from the blonde, he was quite intrigued by the whole board and elemental dice lighting up, plus the character cards in front of Kaveh, which just added to the whole game feeling like something special and fun.

"I have no idea what I am doing, but I will try."

He spoke with a bit of amusement, before placing some random character cards down for a start.

"Don't tell me? You never played TCG invocation before?! It's been really popular lately, can't believe it's your first time playing..."

Kaveh gasped, and winced in embarrassment seeing Al Haitham's pick in the character cards

"Honestly.. I never really knew much about the game, even though I saw lots of people play it around the campus and the hospital. This is actually my very first time playing the game, so I really have no idea what I am doing."

Al Haitham explained, his eyebrows knitted together as he winced too upon seeing Kaveh's reaction towards his character card selection. It was actually quite funny how he was completely clueless about the whole game.

"It's okay! Just try your best, I'll go easy on you.."

Kaveh replied, before grabbing the eight pieces of dice and rolled them out. They lit up and the games began

Al Haitham observed the game with great curiosity as it started. The board lit up once more as the dice lit up and revealed the chosen numbers. His attention then went to Kaveh, who was obviously trying to go easy on him as they both sat down across from each other. He would just try his best for now, and probably get a much better grasp of the whole game as it went on.


In conclusion, in less than four rounds, Kaveh won the game. He leaned back against the chair, taking in his sweet victory while Al Haitham sorrows

"You really are bad.. don't be offended! Just.. never seen someone this bad as a first timer"

Al Haitham's lips were slightly parted, as he still tried to process the whole game. He honestly never expected that he would be this bad at the game, he thought he might do at least a little bit better. He looked over at Kaveh with slight embarrassment, clearly somewhat offended yet he decided to just let it be.

"You could have at least gone a little lighter on me, especially with me being a first timer."

"But I did! It's just the technique I'm used to"

Kaveh added, slowly feeling annoyed by Al Haitham's accusation of not going easy. And it's sad to say, his heart aches by that

Al Haitham on the other hand, wasn't in the mood to play anymore, and looked away from Kaveh's intense gaze

"Really..? Because.. you certainly didn't feel like you went easy on me at all.."

Al Haitham said with displeased in his tone of voice, as he still tried to process the whole defeat. He was quite hurt as well because he had tried his best to actually win, but Kaveh had really not been easy on him at all during the game play.

"And the fact that you said I am really terrible at it doesn't make things any better.. I tried quite hard there."

Poor Kaveh felt dejected by Al Haitham's comment. He stood up and slammed both his hands on the board and table. It created attention by most patients here. Nevertheless, Kaveh didn't care, rage was taking over his body

"Oh please! I never called you any of that! I just said you're bad and need more practice.."

Al Haitham looked up with a surprised expression on his face, taken aback by the sudden outburst of rage by the blonde. The young man was stunned, seeing the blonde's hands slam against the board and table. He did not care about the attention they were receiving from the other patients, he just had a complete look of shock on his face. And when the blonde spoke the young man just got more upset.

"I know you never called me anything, but I expected you to at least be nice about the whole thing, but you were simply just harsh.."

Kaveh's heart pounded against his chest hard, and the beats were irregular. It feels like someone broke the organ into two, and the ex-Architect felt a pain in his chest


Kaveh gripped on the right side of his chest, breathing heavily. One of the nurses noticed and quickly brought him to the emergency department, leaving Al Haitham ever so guilty

Al Haitham began to feel immense amounts of guilt and remorse. He watched as this all happened, and suddenly felt very guilty for all of this, though all he did was become angry at the blonde for not going easy on him during the whole game of TCG invocation.

Al Haitham was honestly very tempted to go and apologize, or at least to go and make sure the ex-Architect was doing alright. But in the end, he decided to just leave the room, as the room went silent now and everyone else went back towards the game of TCG invocation. He did not have any energy in him left, and so he decided to just sit in his own bed and let everything sink in.


Author's note

I'm sorry if this chapter is really short, my sanity isn't doing well these few days

I'm sorry if this chapter is really short, my sanity isn't doing well these few days

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-not proofread

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