Chapter 1 - An endearing encounter

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Author's note: Read for the plot, if you're here for the kissing and stuff, you need help. I wrote this book with my heart and I won't tolerate 13 year olds who read for smut

Al Haitham was once a noble and hardworking man who protected Sumeru from a crisis. He swore to protect against his enemies. But bad news came when Al Haitham found out he had a heart problem and was diagnosed by the Akademiya's doctor. His life went downhill as he was forced to quit his job and stay at the hospital forever until his heart gave up on him

Currently, he was having lunch at his hospital bed, seemingly not hungry and just in denial of being sick.

He looked to the right and saw another person beside his bedside. Noticing his presence, he tilted his head in confusion.

"What brings you here?" Al Haitham asked, seemingly bored by the whole situation. The man expected him to ignore the other, maybe even shoo him away.

His face remained stagnant, his eyes unblinking as he stared at the person down.

With his arms crossed, he spoke softly, but coldly.

"You're not here for medical reasons, are you?" He said, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hello! My name is Kaveh! I was an Architect before being diagnosed with a heart condition as well. What's your name?"

The man, who had the most beautiful blonde hair, red crimson coloured eyes and silky skin. He gently waved at Al Haitham

Al Haitham's cold eyes widened slightly at the mere mention of a heart condition.

"Al Haitham." He said, clearly more interested now. Al Haitham looked somewhat surprised at the wave, and his face slightly flushed.

"And this 'heart condition,' what is it called exactly?" He asked, his eyes wandering back to his food.

"Oh! I have a heart valve disease. What's your type of heart condition?"

Kaveh replied with a smile, he was extremely happy despite his condition

"Heart valve disease? That sounds troublesome." Al Haitham spoke softly, putting down his utensils.

"I was diagnosed with a heart murmur, and a few other things."

He replied, seeming almost too familiar with his condition.

"Tell me, how is it living with a heart condition now?"
Al Haitham questioned, his curious eyes glancing at Kaveh.

"It's.. worrying actually. The doctor said my heart may give up on me sooner or later. So I'm currently being grateful and spending my life thoroughly"

The blonde explained, he poked his sliced banana with his fork and munched on it quietly.

"Ah, and here I was thinking that it was only my heart that was weak." Al Haitham chuckled dryly, crossing his arms.

"Does it bother you?" He looked at Kaveh with a slight smile.

"Knowing that your death may be imminent?" He questioned curiously.

"I would assume it would cause a fair amount of distress." He spoke in a calm manner and waited for Kaveh's response.

"How do I respond to this question.."

Kaveh went quiet and thought of his answer for a long time before smiling at Al Haitham

"Though death may take me any time, it would not cause me distress. But it would be nice to share my last moments with someone I love.."

"Love?" Al Haitham's face lit up ever so slightly, his eyes widening and his lips curving slightly.

"Hm... Would you mind sharing who this person is?" He asked Kaveh curiously, tilting his head at the man.

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