the end of the beginning

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"you guys ready! let's get out of here!"

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"you guys ready! let's get out of here!"

"yeah we've gotta go while we can!"

soldiers were yelling from left and right. pax had stocked up on all the supplies she needed. so had lillian.

"alright, let's go" said pax, as her and the rest of the cadets had excited the building.

mikasa was standing on top of one of the buildings, staring at the odd titan.

"mikasa, the hell are you doing? let's go, we can't waste time" pax said.

"no look... they're eating that titan" mikasa said staring at him. pax walked up to her and looked out at the scene.

"why can't it regenerate?" said lillian from beside her.

"i don't know" pax said back, glaring at it.

creepy little shit.

"i thought maybe uncovering the truth about the titan might save us from this hell." mikasa said in disappointment.

"maybe there's still a chance. if we help kill off the titans surrounding it, maybe we can save him." reiner said, joining the group with the rest of the soldiers.

"why the hell would we help it? we finally have a chance to escape and you wanna risk that?" lillian said.

"are you insane?!" jean said looking towards reiner.

"he might have a point guys..." said armin.

"don't you think it'd be a weapon more powerful than anything if it was our ally?"

for the love of god.

"are you being serious?!"

"g-guys.... t-that's the titan that ate t-thomas" armin stuttered out.

"shit" pax said.

but what happened next seemed to shock everyone. with the last of its power, the titan had managed to bite onto the neck of the one that had been helping them. with all of its might, the odd titan had managed to lift up the titan, and smash it into some of the others that were approaching.

the titan had finally burnt out and collapsed to the ground.

"finally gave up huh? let's go guys, there's no way that damned thing is on our side" jean said, getting ready to fly off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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