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it came easy to pax and Lillian. well, as easy as you can put it i guess. pax usually stuck to herself, other than small conversations with other cadets.

she didn't want to get too close to anyone.

but, that didn't come as easy to lillian.

she was a ball of sunshine. and pax secretly loved that about her, though she wouldn't admit it to her in a thousand years. pax was a good listener, and lillian was a good talker. they were the perfect duo.

like the sun and the moon.

if pax was around, so was lillian. pax felt lillian was partially her responsibility. i mean, lillian didn't just decide to come above ground on her own. it was mutual.

they protected each other.

so yeah, the three years that passed went by in the blink of an eye. the girls had grown more mature. pax's long, dark hair had now run past her collarbone.

she enjoyed having long hair. it was the one thing that made her feel beautiful, in a world where it was very hard to do so.

in reality, pax was beautiful. she had guys falling for her everywhere, unknowing to her.

but, past experiences can fuck up the way we think about ourselves sometimes.

lillian's hair was growing as well. she had this beautiful thick red hair that flowed just past her shoulders. and these bright blue-green eyes.

the girls were a sight to see.

but finally, they made it.

so now we sit, celebrating the final day as cadets, before the girls are able to pick which regiment they want to pursue.

so now, to the real story;)

"well, looks like she's having fun."  pax muttered to herself. lillian was off doing god knows what, conversing with whoever she could find. pax sat at a table in the corner, swishing around the drink in her cup, uninterested in what was going on around her.

she wasn't nervous, she already knew she was going to the scouts. her and lillian had decided this before even joining. the girls didn't have much to lose, so they figured they might as well try fighting off these bastard titans for as long as they can.

the titans interested pax, they were such odd creatures. why would they be so driven to eat humans?

pax was a smart girl, and it intrigued her.

in fact, pax was very smart.

she scored very high in all classes.

but even better, pax was strong. she was ranked second in her class, right below mikasa ackerman.

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