the fall

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"you're MINE" eren yelled. "it's hot, go!"

pax could only look in shock as she saw the colossal titan, standing right in front of her. the girl never showed fear, she was strong. mentally and physically.

but this? this was different.

she had heard stories about the colossal, but seeing it standing directly in front of you?

pax would admit it, she was scared.

"jesus" was the only word that pax could mutter out.

but as she began to look closer, she noticed that the titan had, disappeared?

"what the hell?" pax said.

"eren! did you get it" Thomas said, looking at eren with hope.

"i-im sorry, i let him get away" eren said back, looking defeated.

"you shouldn't be apologizing," pax said, glaring at the ground. " the rest of us were cowards, we couldn't even move."

eren was curious about pax. she was cold, didn't talk much at all. he always wondered what made her this way. her eyes were just tired, and well, dead.

damnit pax, you can't be doing this. you're ranked second. you came to the military for a reason. fear is not an excuse, pax thought to herself. she was embarrassed of herself. she was better than this.

"Hey! There's no time for chatting!"

The wall's been breached. If we don't fix it quickly, the Titans will get in again!" connie yelled to everyone in a panic.

"What are you waiting for?!"

"The strategy for handling a Colossal Titan's appearance is already in motion! Return to HQ immediately! Anyone who had contact with it, report every detail!" a soldier yelled.

"yes sir!" eren saluted at the soldier.

"will do sir!" lillian said, also saluting at the soldier.

"we pray for your success" connie said.

this is gonna be hell, pax thought.


back at headquarters, pax, lillian, and the rest of the cadets were preparing to go into battle.

"You recruits have completed training and graduated into proper soldiers! I expect you to actively participate in this operation, too!" commander shadis yelled.

fear is not an option. this is what pax kept thinking to herself over, and over again. she was scared for too many years of her life. but no more.

"hey, you okay?" lillian said.

"yeah, i'm fine, just don't die out there, okay?" pax said to lillian, looking at her in concern.

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