Preparation against Anzio Part 2

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Miho and her friends are in the Porsche Tiger Tank.

Miho:Just like in any Sensha-do Match, just think like that. Okay?

Everybody agreed, Yukari is still nervous by she steels her nerves.

Miho: Alright Let's go.

Outside of the tank.

Nakajima:Here, we are going to demonstrate our prowess so be prepared to be surprised.

The Students were now curious if the Automobile Club managed to fix a tank.

Nakajima:Now we will show you it's functions.

She signaled Miho Nishizumi to move the tank and go for a test run.

Nakajima:As you can see, our tank is able to run flawlessly, no complication to the engine. We will show you the gun's function.

Miho heard that and thus she commanded her team to do it.

But Yukari suggested something.

Yukari:Hey Miho-san.


Yukari:How about we not only made this into a advertising campaign for the Automobile Club, but also to our Sensha-do Club.

Miho:Well we have a lot of tanks that needed some manpower so yeah why not? Who's going to do it?


Miho:No, I'm not going to be a mascot.

Saori:Yeah why not Miporin, at least break out from your shell.

Hana:It would be beneficial to have more manpower.

Miho has no say and so she would do it hesitantly.

Yukari:But first, we must do the gun first, fire it then you come out of the tank and do your commercial.

Miho sighs and thus they create the words to appeal the students to join the Sensha-do Club.

Outside the Tank.

Nakajima finished her explanation and so she wanted to demonstrate their ability to make the Porsche Tiger Tank better.

Nakajima:And so Fire!

The Tiger Tank fired a shell but someone have come out from the hatch.

Miho:Hello fellow students! Here we present this tank's capabilities, if you enjoy Sensha-do Combat then the Sensha-do Club is opened for you. We could train you to become better and beat other Major Teams that comes against our victory and have fun while you are it. So join now to become a Ooarai Sensha-do Tanker!

Anzu just laughed because she was not expecting this.

Miho was cringing hard while Nakajima sweat dropped.

The Students even got surprised and got into thinking to join the Sensha-do Club.

And in the tank. Yukari is laughing as hard as she can, Mako is having a hard time to not laugh whilst Hana and Saori also laughed.

And so Miho come back inside of the tank.

Miho:Really me! Why not you Yukari, you suggested this!

Yukari:Well ummm... Because Im..... Shy?

Miho is pissed.

Miho:Hey Saori and Hana! Stop laughing you two! It is not funny at all.

Saori:Sorry we can't. *Laugh* It just so funny to be honest.

Miho:Bruh, I'm cringing while doing that.

Mako:Anyway, let's just continue.

Nakajima:Oh well that's unexpected but let's continue.

And so they tested the tank and demonstrate it to the students and the students are having some thoughts, some are wanting to join in so there's a lot of application happening in the Sensha-do Club and the Automobile Club.

After the Demonstration.

In Anzu's Office.

Anzu:What Miho did was quite funny.

Momo:But it leads to more people to join the Sensha-do Team so Manpower is no longer of our worries.

Yuzu:Indeed, now the Quantitative Aspect is not in our favor still. We still our outnumbered in our upcoming matches, if there's a Ooarai at all.

Anzu:Yes, but let them have fun. After all, this is their school. We must not give them a huge burden in their shoulders.

Momo:Are you sure? We really need to tell them the truth especially to Miho Nishizumi.

Anzu:We must let them enjoy their school life. We will tell them when the time comes when they became ready and are strong enough to take on any challenge for Ooarai to survive.

Anzu smiled.

Anzu:I do not want to take their fun and happiness. Through our matches, we must give them the chance to grow.

Yuzu:Ms. President... You're really considerate of their well-being.

Anzu:Well how did I became the Student Body Council President?

Miho's Location

She was going home and she was thinking about the budget cuts.

Miho:What happened? Are there any coincidences. Reopening of the Sensha-do Club and the Budget Cuts.
Is there any connections?

Miho keeps thinking this to her mind.

And she was met with Yukari.

Yukari:Sup Miho!

Miho:Hello also Yukari!

Yukari:So what are you thinking?

Miho:Oh nothing.

By this point, Yukari and Miho are close friends for they have shared interests on History.

Yukari:Oh come on, I know you're thinking somethings.

Miho:Well I was thinking that... Are there any coincidences?

Yukari:On what?

Miho:The Reopening of the Sensha-do Club and the Budget Cuts to the Ooarai School Ship recently.

Yukari:I don't know, probably?

Miho:Yeah probably, I'm just thinking too much.

Yukari:The Match is only a week away from training the new recruite.

Miho:Yeah, we have at least a week to train them.

Yukari:So rotation?

Miho:Yeah Rotation, I'm going to mix them up with experienced tankers.

Yukari had reached her home and so said goodbye to Miho which Miho have done so vice versa.

Miho goes home and did her Nightly routine of Dinner and Toothbrush and unto sleep.

To be Continued

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