Saunders vs Ooarai Part 2: The Hunt of the Last till Victory

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Saunders retreated to try regroup with the Flag Tank knowing that they need the Firepower Parity against the Ooarai Team.

Miho got in her radio.

Miho:All Teams! We must not let them regroup with their entire team! Do not let them regain the Firepower Parity with us and lose our advantage! So everyone! Chase them down! Hit the gas!

All Tanks Commanders heed the call and chased the retreating Sherman Tanks and they hit the gas thus making them go to Maximum Speed to try and regroup with the Flag Tank.

On Saunders' side.

Kay:Alisa! Rendezvous with us in this location! We need to regroup now before they pick us off!

Alisa:Alright Kay! We're coming!

And so Saunders are trying to rendezvous and Miho was not going to let that happened.

In the Major Teams' side.

Erika:This is, the first time that a No-Name school has managed to put Saunders in the backfoot this much to the point that no-name school held the Quantity and Firepower Advantage.

Maho:There is always a first time in everything but I have never seen this happened nor in the History of Sensha-do that something like this would happen.

Darjeeling:So it would seem that history is forever changed in this moment but would Ooarai prevail or not remains to be seen.

Maho nodded her head as she watched the match.

The Audience reaction about this is awe, shock, dumbfounded especially with the traditionalists and historians as they knew that a Major Team would dominate against a team that was a no-name school and yet this was the opposite and a no-name school not only secured an advantage but made them go in a retreat. Ooarai Students as the audience have a sense of pride that they rattled the crowd.

The Announcer was even speechless because in all of the Sensha-do Matches, this is the first.

At the Battlefield.

Miho:All Teams! Fire your cannons to try to separate the tanks from each other so that they could not support each other. Pressure them then Isolate and eliminate them from the match. Target only one tank!

The Tank Commanders did so and fired their guns and Saunders fired. Back but their shots are missing though Ooarai focused more on one Sherman Tank and the tank was not Kay's. The Line of Fire is starting to separate the Sherman Tank from the Kay's tank through the hail of fire.

Miho:Rabbit Team! Follow me! We'll cut the separating tank off.

And so Rabbit Team followed the lead of the Anglerfish Team and and forced isolation to the Sherman Tank while letting Kay's Sherman Tank escaping after a few minutes of isolating the Separated Sherman Tank.

Ooarai Tanks encircled the Tank and Saunders could not hope to rescue die to their glaring disadvantage at the battle.

Miho:Good Job Rabbit Team! Now all teams! Surround the Isolated Sherman Tank and Fire at it!

And so they surround the Sherman Tank cutting their escape routes and then bringing forth the anvil and the hail of fire brought by Ooarai thus bringing the hammer that brought the elimination of the tank.

The Battle is now a 2 to 1 Battle. Ooarai held the Firepower and Quantity Advantage with 4 tanks in their name while Saunders has only 2 left. While Saunders sucked at assymetric warfare because they were used to their own Conventional Doctrine which is a glaring disadvantage. Ooarai was not faring either as they don't have experience fighting a foe that they outnumbered but Miho was an Experienced Tanker so it compensated for their inexperience making really Saunders having a slim chance to win the battle.

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