The Mock Battle

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The Mock Battle with the Stug and the Type 89 Medium Tank attacking the Panzer IV trying to get Miho's Team and firing their shells at them.

Saori:Get us outta here!


Hana stepped on the gas to try to escape from the ones who are shooting at them but they are dodging the shells because the gunners in those tanks were not good at aiming thus missing their shots.

The Stug and the Type 89 were chasing the Panzer IV to try to eliminate the Panzer IV.

They managed to escape them and go to the place where a girl is lying on the ground with a book in her face but she woke up and managed to climb on the tank but the Stug and the Type 89 managed to find them.

Saori:Mako,get in the tank

Mako got in the tank and Hana got shell shocked as she doesn't know what to do next and cracks under pressure.

Miho: Hana,let's switch

Yukari: Oh, Commander Nishizumi has taken command,what are your orders Commander?

Saori and Miho switched and thus Miho taking her position as the new commander.

Saori: Huh,it's you Mako.

Mako: So it's you Saori

Miho: You know her Saori?

Saori:Yes, you met her?

Miho: Yeah, while going to school.

Saori:That's why your so late.


Saori:Well she got low blood pressure.

Mako is reading on how to drive a Panzer IV as she saw the manual and started to read it.

Miho:Saori! Take us to the Forests!

Saori:Huh! Why?

Miho:Just do it!

Saori drives to the Forest that were in their surroundings. She had a hard time to navigate the terrain because she is viewing in such small view port in the tank and thus her Brain got fried because utter confusion and doesn't know on where to go because of such small window.

Mako replaced Saori and started to drive the Tank just like what she read and learned from the Manual.
She is navigating the terrain pretty good

Miho looks around in her surroundings to see that she lost them.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Miho:Yukari, be ready to fire when I order to fire. Also Yukari, say anything if you saw any hostiles in the area,tell me. Mako, Go to the end of the forest but do not go out from the forest and hide us by distancing more from the open field

Yukari:What are going to do Nishizumi-Dono?

Miho:Let's do Guerilla Warfare and Hit And Run Tactics.

Hana and Saori managed to gain back their composure

Hana and Saori: Huh,what is that?

Yukari: Oh, that type of warfare? I thought we are going to the Nishizumi Style.

Miho:No we aren't going to do that,instead we are going to be different. I also now wanted to deviate myself from my family.

Yukari: O-kay.

Hana and Saori:Hey, how about us! We don't know what is Guerilla Warfare!?

Miho: Guerrila Warfare is a kind of Tactic that does not use traditional tactics like fighting in open field and was used against stronger opponents and it uses ambushes to make the enemy bleed more and make it Costly. It also made use that you attacked immediately and retreat immediately to ensure that the larger force does not destroy entirely

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