The Planning against St.Gloriana

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After the match in which the Panzer IV managed to win the mock battle.

Everyone gathers to meet Ami Chono.

Ami Chono:All of you did a good job, Very Nice match indeed! Especially A-team after that splendid performance after your Guerilla Warfare Tactics that you have shown in the mock Battle!

Everybody has a sense of pride because they were complimented by Ami Chono especially Miho because for the first time, she is acknowledged by her usage of Guerilla Warfare and by also an Tank Commander of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Miho felt that she could unleash everything that she had learnt and tested in Sensha-do while having fun in the process unlike in Kuronomorimine.

Ami Chono:All of you need to practice on how to move well and shoot everyday to hone your skills, of you need anything, then just email me!

The Students Bowed after Anzu told them and they said thank you.

In the Hot spring.

Miho and the team are in the Hot Spring wanting to relax after a hard fought day.

Yukari:Well it was great and exciting!

Hana:Though I don't know how things will go at first.

Miho:Everything is always needs a beginning after all so no worries but yeah it sure is exciting without the strict discipline of Kuronomorimine.

Saori:So tell us what it's like on one of the most prestigious Sensha-do Schools in Japan?

Miho:In my own experience, it was kind of restricting considering that we must follow strict traditions and discipline and I couldn't use anything that I learnt from the Internet about Modern Warfare and anything like that.

Yukari:How did you actually learn all of that?

Miho:I was just simply curious especially when you're in a Sensha-do Family, you tend to get curious about Tank Warfare and anything relevant like history and what are important in which I got them from YouTube and other sources.

Yukari:That's understandable.

Hana:We don't about tanks except maybe Yukari.


Yukari: Nishizumi-Dono knows what she knows best! So can you be the commander?

Miho pressed by all sides and by pressure finally accepted to become the Commander.

Miho:So who will in each role?

Saori:How about me where will I be at?

Miho:Well you're good at getting along with anybody. So the Radio Operator.

Hana:Can I be in the turret?


Hana:Because I can't forget that powerful feeling that made me go numb, so I also think that I will be a stronger girl if I work with the turret.

Miho:Then you can have the turret.

Yukari:Then I will be the Loader!

Miho:Then all we need is a Driver.

They saw Mako and she was about to get out from the Hot spring.

Hana:Mako! Can you drive for us?

Mako:I already picked Calligraphy.

Miho:But you will really be a help to us.

Yukari:Mako, you're a good driver so please.

Mako:Sorry, not happening.

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