"I-I got some money-"

"Where is it?" I asked.

"I-used it to pay off what I took here." He stuttered.

"Hold on" I walked out of the cell, and to the next cell, I dragged the almost unconscious male out of the cell and tossed him at Erick's feet.

His eyes widened at the sight of the small beta dressed in his usual work outfit, lingerie. It took me a good minute to find him, but I did.

The small beta tried to hoist himself up on his elbows but failed miserably.

"E-ezra I"

Ezra, okay.

Ezra's face twisted with what I assume was rage as he looked from the beta covered in dirt, then to me.

"You bastard, let him go now!" He shouted. His voice shaked a little bit due to the lack of water for multiple days.

I smiled sinisterly at Er-Ezra.

"Let him go? I'll think about it if you tell me where you got the money."

He pulled his bottom lip inwards for a second, then looked at the beta.

Aww, how cute.

"I-I didn't pay for anything here, but if you let us go, I promise we'll repay you. I know someone who works in the palace that can get me some gold." he confessed and looked at me pleading eyes.

I walked over to the table that was in the corner of the room, "gold you say?"

"Yes lots of golds I can even plan a heist my friend kind of owes me a huge favour for saving his life so-"

"You saved him?" I asked, looking over my shoulder.

"I did. I saved him from a burning building, so he owes me his life."

"How ironic I kind of saved someone from a burning building too and funny enough. I think we're referring to the same person." I said as I took up the extension cord, plugging the end into the wall socket and walked over to Ezra.

The beta was crouched, clutching his stomach, and I side stepped him to stand in front of the other man.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he looked into my eyes desperately.

I pulled the extension, and it broke, leaving wires sticking out in all directions. A look of panic took over his features.

"Mylo?" I said, but it came out as a question. This was the first time I've ever said his name, and I am pleased to say that I liked the sound of it.

Ezra let out a breathy laugh and tilted his back.

"You're doing this because of that slut?" he asked then rolled his head to face me and smirked.

"I'll tell you this for now, he's useless, cheap and bad in bed." he seethed.


I dropped the extension in the water, and immediately he howled out in pain as the electricity ran throught his body.

I glanced down at the beta who was trying to reach his lover and placed the bottom of my boots on his back, pushing him down.

I released him and walked out of the cell and out of the room entirely. I stopped at the door and looked over at one of the guards.

"Remove the beta and let the other one die." I said, and he gave me a firm nod. Before I could continue walking, the same guard said something that caught me completely off guard.

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