Chapter 16: Breakdown

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"Well, I believe we should revisit the pricing structure." Adesh Rao said, he was the oldest son of Mr. Shreedhar Rao.

"Sure, I understand the importance of competitve pricing. So, what do you have in mind ?" Sahil questioned.

"A little insight into your pricing structure and any potential discounts for bulk orders ?" He asked politely.

"Of course Mr. Rao. I will be glad to offer tiered pricing based on order volume, with additional discounts for long term commitment. I belive that this deal should benefit the both of us." I replied.

We discussed a few more pointers, and decided to edit the document and then meet again.

Adesh went after having lunch, and since we didn't have any other work for an hour or so we decided to chill in the restaurant.

"Remember when we broke Uncle Tabish's cars wind shield playing cricket" Taha reminds.

"How can I possibly forget that ? Papa had to pay the amount for almost a new car. That man was a total asshole." I said laughing.

"I still can't believe you guys blamed me for it, when in fact it was Taha bhai who played the shot." My brother pouted. How is this man 25 years old is beyond me.

"I need to use the washroom, then we will leave. Be right back." I excused myself and made my way towards the washroom.

I stopped at a table when I heard my name.

A frown made it's way on my face, who could it be ?

All the tables here were covered with little curtains to give the much needed privacy to the diners.

But the next sentence made me stop at my tracks. I couldn't move now. So I stopped to listen. I know it's wrong of me, but well.

"I could never give him another chance Ehana." The voice said.

"But the man loves you. And erum even. Whatever happened between you guys is in the past. Move on. It's been 10 years." Ehana said.

"I can never forget how he broke my heart in front of everybody. I will never let him come near me or my daughter. We don't need him." Her tone held finality.

Suddenly, it was hot. I loosened my tie but it didn't work. My hands were sweating, my legs got weak. I didn't want to hear whatever she would say next so I wobbled my way through our table and gestured them to get out of there.

'We don't need him' that line kept on chanting in my head like mantra ... but I need her , I need them I know I am being selfish but I don't think I can survive another moment with her hating me and that too on the fact where I was forced to do something out of my will.

I knew if the video had been circulated Aayra would have been even more broken so I chose the way which left her broken and the fragments of those broken pieces bleed my heart and still bleeds to this day and the only way to soothe the wounds is by having her in my arms but she doesn't want me, my chanda doesn't want me. She hates me. Just thinking about it made me nauseous and I could feel my bile rising through my throat.

We reached the parking lot and that was the moment my knees decided to give up on me and I fell.

I fell on my fucking knees in the parking lot, but all I could think of was how Aayra is broken because of me. How she thinks I don't even deserve a chance.

"What happened ?" Taha asked sitting beside me.

"Bhai, your face is turning white, let's go to the doctor." Sahil said, but I could barely process their words.

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